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Gexin CEO: Before the end of the year, there are plans to increase production and investment but not to set up factories in France

Gexin CEO: Before the end of the year, there are plans to increase production an...

According to the Nikkei Asia review, as the chip shortage has not been alleviated, Tom Caulfield, CEO of the wafer foundry, said that he would decide to inv...

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Material shortage impacts the delivery date of semiconductor equipment, and the expansion plan of Korean enterprises may be affected

Material shortage impacts the delivery date of semiconductor equipment, and the ...

According to South Korea‘s Asia daily, the Market Research Institute Jibang consulting said on the 23rd that semiconductor equipment is once again facing t...

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Trendforce: in the first quarter, TSMC‘s contracted wafer turnover reached 53.6, expanding its leading edge

Trendforce: in the first quarter, TSMC‘s contracted wafer turnover reached 53.6...

The market research company trendforce released the top ten global wafer foundry enterprises‘ revenue rankings in the first quarter of 2022. TSMC continued...

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Jinghe surpasses high tower semiconductor and leaps to the ninth largest foundry in the world

Jinghe surpasses high tower semiconductor and leaps to the ninth largest foundry...

The latest report of trendforce, a market research agency, shows that the revenue of the world‘s top ten wafer manufacturers in the first quarter of 2022 r...

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Trendforce: in the first quarter, TSMC‘s contracted wafer share reached 53.6

Trendforce: in the first quarter, TSMC‘s contracted wafer share reached 53.6

The market research company trendforce released the top ten global wafer foundry enterprises‘ revenue rankings in the first quarter of 2022. TSMC continued...

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Qunchuang optoelectronics will formally include semiconductor packaging and testing into its business project

Qunchuang optoelectronics will formally include semiconductor packaging and test...

According to the Taiwan Provincial Economic Daily, Taiwan, China panel manufacturer qunchuang optoelectronics will hold a regular shareholders‘ meeting on ...

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Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix seek coolant from domestic manufacturers and expect to complete the test within one year

Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix seek coolant from domestic manufacturers and ex...

On June 16, according to foreign media reports, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the two major Korean chip manufacturers, have selected a coolant supplier ...

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Beta semiconductor completed a round of financing of over 100 million yuan

Beta semiconductor completed a round of financing of over 100 million yuan

An independent chip testing service provider, test semiconductor technology (Yiwu) Co., Ltd., recently completed a round of financing of more than 100 milli...

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TSMC announced the 2nm process for the first time, with mass production in 2025

TSMC announced the 2nm process for the first time, with mass production in 2025

On June 17, titanium media app learned that TSMC officially announced the future advanced process roadmap at the TSMC North America Technology Forum held th...

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To realize fast charging, please see the detailed explanation of fast charging technology

To realize fast charging, please see the detailed explanation of fast charging t...

With the development of high technology, smart phones are becoming more and more popular with consumers. Communication, playing social app software when bor...

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Cinno: the shortage of chips was alleviated. In May, the price of flexible AMOLED panel was lowered by $1

Cinno: the shortage of chips was alleviated. In May, the price of flexible AMOLE...

Yesterday, cinno research released a report that the LCD smart phone panel price in May was still in the downward channel, and the decline exceeded expectat...

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It is said that TSMC will increase the price of new film input to customers, and it will increase again next year

It is said that TSMC will increase the price of new film input to customers, and...

On June 14, it was reported that TSMC would increase its wafer foundry quotation by 5-8% in January next year. Recently, it was reported in the industry tha...

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Changchuan technology semiconductor AOI equipment business headquarters signed and settled in Suzhou Industrial Park

Changchuan technology semiconductor AOI equipment business headquarters signed a...

Changchuan technology semiconductor AOI equipment business headquarters is located in Suzhou Industrial Park. Changchuan technology is a listed company ...

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TSMC chairman Mark Liu describes how the world’s largest chipmaker is reimagining the semiconductor industry

TSMC chairman Mark Liu describes how the world’s largest chipmaker is reimagini...

TSMC chairman Mark Liu describes how the world’s largest chipmaker is reimagining the semiconductor industry ——by Mark Liu For over half a century, semi...

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Will the price of global chips rise again? Insiders: cars and computers may be more expensive

Will the price of global chips rise again? Insiders: cars and computers may be m...

Chip giants such as TSMC, Samsung and Intel are planning to raise chip prices, which may be transmitted to downstream electronic products for further price i...

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IDC: in 2022q1, the world‘s wearable devices fell for the first time year on year

IDC: in 2022q1, the world‘s wearable devices fell for the first time year on ye...

According to the latest data released by IDC, the global wearable device market fell for the first time in the first quarter of 2022, with a total shipment ...

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How semiconductor logistics can learn from the epidemic situation when Shanghai is unsealed

How semiconductor logistics can learn from the epidemic situation when Shanghai ...

At the beginning of June, Shanghai announced that it would be unsealed. After two months of containment and anti epidemic, it finally ushered in the dawn. R...

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Main trends of PCB development in 2022

Main trends of PCB development in 2022

With the tremendous impact of the latest technologies such as 5g, Internet of things and artificial intelligence on the electronic world, the PCB manufactur...

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5G chip

5G chip "order cutting" spread: the global consumer electronics demand is depres...

Niyuqing, reporter of 21st Century Business Herald, reported that in the first half of 2022, the contraction of terminal demand was gradually transmitted to...

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Shenzhen promotes the construction of key projects such as 12 inch chip production line and third-generation semiconductor

Shenzhen promotes the construction of key projects such as 12 inch chip producti...

On June 6, 2022, Shenzhen Municipal People‘s government issued opinions on developing strategic emerging industrial clusters and cultivating future industr...

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