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Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix seek coolant from domestic manufacturers and expect to complete the test within one year

Time:2022-06-21 Views:2065
    On June 16, according to foreign media reports, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the two major Korean chip manufacturers, have selected a coolant supplier from China and have begun strict testing, which is expected to be completed within one year.

    According to foreign media reports, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix sought coolant supply from domestic manufacturers because 3M, which produces 90% of the world‘s coolant for wafer etching, was asked to shut down a plant in Belgium in March, which affected the coolant supply of the two companies.

    Foreign media reported that 3M‘s plant in Belgium was shut down because it did not meet the latest specifications for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and was forced to stop production locally.

    In a document submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, 3M disclosed that its factory in Belgium had been approved to resume production. But even so, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix are expected to continue to promote the use of domestic manufacturers to supply coolant. They are seeking to diversify the supply of coolant.

    Coolant is very important in wafer processing. It is used to control the temperature during wafer etching to avoid excessive temperature.

    For the supplier selected by Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the foreign media did not disclose the specific company name in the report. However, they said in the report that due to different characteristics of materials, the density and temperature control ability may be different, so the tests conducted by Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix will be very strict.

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