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Trendforce: in the first quarter, TSMC‘s contracted wafer turnover reached 53.6, expanding its leading edge

Time:2022-06-25 Views:2041
    The market research company trendforce released the top ten global wafer foundry enterprises‘ revenue rankings in the first quarter of 2022. TSMC continued to dominate the rankings and further expanded its leading edge.

     TSMC‘s revenue in the first quarter of 2022 was US $17.529 billion, with a market share of 53.6%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points over the 52.1% in the previous quarter. Samsung Electronics, which ranked second, was the only company whose revenue fell in the first quarter of this year. Its market share was 16.3%, 2% lower than that in the fourth quarter of 2021, and its revenue was $5.328 billion, 3.9% lower than that in the previous quarter. The market share gap between the two OEM giants has expanded from 33.8% in the fourth quarter of 2021 to 37.3%.

    Analysts said that the decline of Samsung OEM sales was attributed to the weak demand for CMOS image sensors (CIS) and driver ICs in the system LSI field due to the downturn in the TV and smart phone market. In addition, the expansion and output increase of 4-nanometer semiconductor production are slower than expected.

    On the other hand, TSMC‘s sales in the first quarter reached US $17.529 billion, an increase of 11.3% over the fourth quarter of 2021. This is due to the steady growth in demand for high-performance computing chips, the improvement of exchange rates and the rise in wafer prices. The quarterly sales growth of TSMC‘s nodes is estimated to be 10% on average. In particular, the 6-nm / 7-nm and 12 nm / 16 nm processes recorded high growth rates due to the small-scale expansion of production facilities. However, as the iPhone 13 entered the off-season, the company‘s sales of 4-nano and 5-nano processes declined.

    In the ranking of OEM market share, the two leaders are followed by liandian (6.9%), grosfunde (5.9%), SMIC International (5.6%), Huahong (3.2%), lijidian (2%), world advanced (1.5%), crystal integration (1.4%) and tower semiconductor (1.3%).

    Meanwhile, the total sales volume of the top 10 OEM enterprises in the first quarter was US $31.957 billion, an increase of 8.2% over the fourth quarter of 2021.

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