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TSMC announced the 2nm process for the first time, with mass production in 2025

Time:2022-06-19 Views:2067
Source: titanium media app

    On June 17, titanium media app learned that TSMC officially announced the future advanced process roadmap at the TSMC North America Technology Forum held this morning.

    Among them, TSMC 3nm (N3) process will be mass produced in 2022, while TSMC first introduced 2nm (N2) process with nano chip transistor (gaafet) architecture, which will be mass produced in 2025.

    Weizhejia, President of TSMC, said at the online forum that in the rapidly changing and rapidly growing digital world, the demand for computing power and energy efficiency has increased faster than ever before, opening unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the semiconductor industry. On the occasion of exciting transformation and growth, TSMC‘s innovative achievements revealed at the technology forum demonstrate TSMC‘s leading position in technology and its commitment to supporting customers.

    At the same time, YJ MII, senior vice president of TSMC R & D, announced at the meeting that TSMC would have the latest high-NA extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machine and lithography equipment of lithography giant ASML in 2024. "Mainly used for research purposes of partners... Develop solutions for relevant infrastructure and formats according to customer needs, and promote innovation."

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