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How semiconductor logistics can learn from the epidemic situation when Shanghai is unsealed

Time:2022-06-11 Views:2071
    At the beginning of June, Shanghai announced that it would be unsealed. After two months of containment and anti epidemic, it finally ushered in the dawn. Reviewing this round of domestic epidemic, it has had a significant impact on semiconductor transportation. The logistics capacity is limited. Domestic factories, truck drivers, wharves, airports, airlines and the entire logistics and supply chain are under great pressure.

Impact on semiconductor logistics and transportation

    The epidemic in Shanghai lasted for two months. Now the whole city is orderly restoring normal life and production order. The outbreak of the epidemic has made the logistics industry face great challenges, especially the roads in and out of Shanghai. It is reported that during the epidemic period, the road transportation in Shanghai and surrounding areas was extended for an average of 3 to 5 days. The cancellation of a large number of special cargo transportation by airlines also brings many uncertain factors to the semiconductor industry, such as oversized cargo, refrigerated cargo and temperature control equipment cargo, which are common types of semiconductor transportation.

    Semiconductor logistics is undoubtedly a high-precision transportation. Compared with other industries, the semiconductor industry has many special requirements for logistics. The most obvious is that the chip manufacturing enterprises have a great demand for the transportation of precision equipment, and its characteristics determine the high transportation threshold and professional requirements.

    High prices. For high-value goods, special tools shall be arranged to meet the requirements of shockproof and anti tilt during transportation.

    "Super size" of precision instruments. Large size precision instruments often need to be loaded centrally, that is, they need to be placed in the most prominent and largest space position in the aircraft cargo hold, and they need to occupy several times the plate position of ordinary cargo.

     Professionalism of hazardous chemicals. Judge and identify hazardous chemicals, prepare materials including MSDS, and fully communicate with airlines, shipping companies, ports and customs in advance.

    High requirements for personnel. High end talents are needed to understand the characteristics and pain points of cargo transportation in the semiconductor industry, and then put forward targeted schemes and operation processes.

How to deal with logistics transportation enterprises correctly

    In fact, the impact of the epidemic on air transport has been apparent since the positive cases appeared in Pudong airport last August. When we are faced with such a passive situation, Robinson has begun to actively seek other feasible transportation solutions, and transfer most of the goods that should have entered China through Pudong airport to other airports.

    Before the outbreak of the epidemic in Hong Kong, most semiconductor equipment goods were transshipped in Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong team transported the goods from Hong Kong to Chinese Mainland by cross-border sea transportation. However, the ongoing epidemic situation in Shanghai, coupled with comprehensive containment measures, has made the situation more challenging. The traffic between China and Hong Kong has been suspended due to the epidemic, so Hong Kong cannot be an alternative. Therefore, we have been actively allocating resources and selecting appropriate alternative routes through a lot of research and verification. For example, temperature controlled goods are arranged to Guangzhou airport, and oversized goods are transported through Shenzhen, Qingdao, Wuhan, Zhengzhou and Changsha airports.

    In order to ensure the normal transportation and delivery of goods at the wharf, the staff have entered the wharf in advance before sealing and control, and the warehouse also implements closed-loop management. Now, Shanghai is gradually restoring normal living and production order, and Shanghai Pudong Airport is also returning to normal operation. Through close cooperation with the local government, Robinson will continue to improve transportation efficiency.

Actively help to return to work

    At present, semiconductor enterprises in Shanghai are actively returning to work and production, many of which are Robinson‘s customers. Since May, flights from Pudong Airport have resumed, about 40%-50% of the previous ones. It is expected that the transportation capacity will continue to increase slightly every week in the short term.

    Our customers include the world‘s leading semiconductor industry company. As its freight company, we have not observed the suspension of orders yet, and the shipment volume is still in a normal state. However, due to the previous transportation capacity constraints, there are indeed delays in some orders.

    Under the condition that relevant departments vigorously support the semiconductor industry, semiconductor foundries strictly comply with the government‘s epidemic prevention requirements and are now carrying out production tasks in an orderly manner. Although it still faces the impact of some truck distribution capacity in the city and trunk line capacity, robins has a team of experts who are very familiar with the unique characteristics of semiconductor logistics and supply chain, and actively seek solutions for semiconductor customers through technology, innovation and service.

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