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Sudden! Many electronic markets in Shenzhen Huaqiang North were closed for 4 days!

Time:2022-08-31 Views:1783
Source: Huaqiang Microelectronics
    Introduction: as we all know, Shenzhen Huaqiangbei market is known as "the first electronic street of China". It is located in Futian District of Shenzhen City, covering an area of about 1.45 square kilometers. It is the largest electronic product distribution center in Asia, and holds nearly 50% of the electronic components in the domestic open market. But this time it presses the pause button again
    Early this morning, the official account of the Shenzhen Health Commission issued a document "Notice of Futian District and Luohu District! These six streets implement ‘strict home‘ for four days!"
    According to the notice issued by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters of Futian District, Shenzhen City: in order to cope with the current epidemic prevention and control situation, strictly control the risk of epidemic spread, achieve the dynamic elimination of the social aspect as soon as possible, and better protect the health and safety of the residents, it is decided to implement temporary control measures in Yuanling sub district, Huaqiang North sub district and Nanyuan sub district after comprehensive study and judgment.

    In other words, the management of the community is strict, and all residents are strictly at home; In principle, all enterprises shall work at home and suspend production and business activities. The implementation time is from 0:00 on August 29 to 24:00 on September 1, 2022, and will be adjusted dynamically according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control. Of course, relevant bus and subway stations have also been suspended.
    As we all know, Shenzhen Huaqiangbei market is known as "the first street of China‘s electronics". It is located in Futian District, Shenzhen City, covering an area of about 1.45 square kilometers. It is the largest electronic product distribution center in Asia, and holds nearly 50% of the electronic components in the domestic open market. According to the data, Huaqiangbei has 23 professional markets of all kinds, and the area of professional markets exceeds 1 / 5 of the total amount of Shenzhen. It supports the global science and technology electronic industry, of which electronic components account for 50.14%.
    Therefore, upon waking up, Hua qiangbei was pressed the "pause" button again. It is reported that many merchants in Huaqiangbei market received a property notice and requested to stop business for four days. The outdoor trading area and logistics area of Huaqiangbei market have also ceased to be used, and trading activities such as setting up stalls and transporting goods will not be able to be carried out, nor will it be able to send and receive express. Huaqiang electronic world, New Asia mall and metropolis Electronic City have all issued the latest announcement: Huaqiang electronic world implements home office, New Asia mall announces the closure of the market for 4 days, and metropolis Electronic City announces the closure of the market for 4 days.

Source: Network

    In this regard, many Huaqiangbei dealers said that they would start to work at home for four days, during which they would normally receive orders, but whether they could deliver goods was related to the specific business conditions and product models. Most customers understand the delivery situation affected by epidemic prevention and control.
    In any case, in terms of logistics, it may affect chip shipment and purchase! It is reported that most communities require "staying at home" and logistics may be delayed, which greatly affects the timeliness of goods delivery. Under the circumstances of production shutdown and offline sales, the demand for parts with small batch and urgent shortage of materials needs more stable supply channels. The biggest impact after home office is that the chip is locked in the office, and the express can not send and receive normally, affecting the chip shipment.

Source: Network

    In general, every move of Shenzhen Huaqiangbei will affect the domestic electronic industry. The 4-day suspension of business under the impact of the epidemic will often affect electronic transactions and even downstream manufacturers. The subsequent impact deserves close attention.
    However, this year is not the first time Huaqiangbei has been shut down. In March, affected by the Shenzhen epidemic, Huaqiangbei was closed for one week, and in June, Huaqiangbei merchants were suspended for three days due to the epidemic. The editor also believes that compared with the unprepared situation before, many Huaqiangbei chip distributors have better countermeasures.

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