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The energy consumption of EUV lithography machine is huge, and the back-end accumulated electricity in 3 years will consume 12 power of Taiwan, China

Time:2022-08-30 Views:1813
Source: it home
    On August 26, Bloomberg reported that the power consumption of each new generation of ASML EUV lithography machine is about 1 million watts, about 10 times that of the previous generation of equipment. Samsung, TSMC and other chip manufacturers that rely on this equipment to produce chips consume a lot of energy. The chip industry may become an important stumbling block to reduce global carbon emissions.
    It is reported that TSMC has the largest number of 80 EUV equipment in the industry, and is installing a new generation of equipment. It is a large consumer of electricity. It is expected that it will account for 12.5% of the total energy consumption of Taiwan, China Province in 2025, more than double the 6% in 2020. In addition to TSMC, micron also uses at least one EUV equipment in Taiwan, China, China. Bloomberg analyst Charles Shum estimates that within three years, a quarter of the chip manufacturing in Taiwan‘s foundry will need EUV equipment.
    It house understands that the impact of TSMC‘s production on the environment mainly depends on the source of power generation. Industry insiders pointed out that Taiwan, China has many chip factories that need to operate such high energy consumption equipment, making renewable energy important and urgent. However, Taiwan is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. It is reported that Taiwan, China of China set a target in 2016. By 2025, 20% of the electricity will come from renewable energy. However, according to the latest energy review in July, by the end of 2021, only 6% of the electricity came from renewable energy, prompting it to lower its 2025 target to 15%.
    On the whole, although there is a chance to find a more environmentally friendly way to make chips, no manufacturer is willing to slow down.

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