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Samsung will invest and build a Southeast Asia R & D center in Vietnam and mass produce chips in the middle of next year

Time:2022-08-10 Views:1854
Source: aijiwei

    According to the report of Lao Dong, the Vietnamese media, on the 6th, Lu Taiwen, President of Samsung Electronics, met with Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Khin to prepare for Samsung‘s layout in Vietnam. Samsung Electronics will establish a new R & D center in Hanoi, Vietnam, in the fourth quarter of this year or early next year. It plans to start producing chips in Vietnam in the middle of next year and expand the production layout of semiconductor chips in Vietnam.
    According to the report, Samsung Group has formally planned the conditions for the trial production of wafers. It is scheduled to mass produce chips at Samsung Electric‘s Vietnam Thai Nguyen factory in July 2023. The R & D center will be opened in Hanoi at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023. The R & D Center in Vietnam will be the main R & D center in Southeast Asia. At present, the construction progress of the R & D center has been completed by about 85%.
    Samsung President Lu Taiwen said that Samsung plans to invest another 3.3 billion US dollars and promote cooperation with Vietnamese universities and research institutions. Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Khin believes that Samsung has developed efficient businesses in the fields of mobile phones and home appliances, and semiconductor production is expected to form a Samsung Electronic product production supply chain in Vietnam.
    In recent years, due to the rapid development of product import and export trade, Vietnam‘s economy has achieved rapid development. According to the data released by Vietnam customs, the total volume of Vietnam‘s imports and exports in the first quarter has just reached a record high, breaking through US $176.35 billion, a year-on-year increase of 14.4%. In addition, Vietnam has a well-developed port industry, superior transportation conditions, and domestic demographic dividend. It is an investment destination for semiconductor enterprises with great development potential, including Hitachi, Toshiba, Qualcomm, Samsung, Broadcom, NXP, Intel and many other enterprises have invested and built factories.
    In addition, in addition to Vietnam, Samsung Electronics will also build a new wafer foundry in the United States and apply for additional expansion land in the near future. According to official external information, Samsung aims to triple the semiconductor chip production capacity by 2026.

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