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Effective market + promising government can promote the healthy development of integrated circuit industry

Time:2022-08-09 Views:1859
    Today, the 12th Songshan Lake China IC Innovation Summit Forum, which is famous for the promotion of Chinese chips, was solemnly opened at Hyatt Regency Songshan Lake. At the summit, Dr. Dong Yemin, director of the Information Technology Department of Guangdong Province, pointed out that "integrated circuits are strategic leading industries, which can achieve rapid development only through effective market and effective government coordination."

    He pointed out that the integrated circuit industry is a strategic, basic and leading industry supporting the development of modern economy and society. Promoting the healthy development of the integrated circuit industry is the only way to realize the independent control of core technologies. The state attaches great importance to the development of Guangdong‘s integrated circuit industry, increases the planning and layout of Guangdong, and vigorously supports Guangdong to implement the "Guangdong strong core" project and create the third pole of China‘s integrated circuit. The Guangdong provincial Party committee and the provincial government have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee and the State Council, and successively issued a series of policies and measures to speed up the construction of the "four beams and eight pillars" of the integrated circuit industry, and achieved remarkable results in promoting the development of the strategic emerging industrial clusters of semiconductors and integrated circuits. In 2021, Guangdong‘s semiconductor and integrated circuit industry cluster realized an operating income of 2017 billion yuan, accounting for about 20% of the country, an increase of 31.3% over the previous year. The import of integrated circuit products exceeded 1.1 trillion yuan, accounting for about 40% of the country and an average annual growth of 10% in the past three years.

    In the first half of this year, the cluster realized an operating income of 104.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.6%, ranking the top of 20 industrial clusters. At present, Guangdong has set up a provincial semiconductor and integrated circuit industry investment fund and six industrial funds with a total scale of more than 100 billion yuan. It has arranged a series of projects in the fields of advanced intelligent sensors, display drives, compound semiconductors, packaging testing, and key core materials. There are nearly 40 major projects under construction, under negotiation, and under contract, with a total investment of more than 300 billion yuan.

    He said that the policy environment, innovation atmosphere and industrial ecology of Guangdong‘s integrated circuit industry have been significantly improved, creating the fourth third pole of China‘s integrated circuit industry. And achieved phased results. At present, our province is deeply promoting the "Guangdong strong core" project, deploying and implementing the automobile chip application traction project, carrying out the chip on-board application demonstration, building the application verification public service level, exploring the chip on-board application insurance mechanism, and improving the stability and security of the industrial chain supply chain.

    The theme of this Songshan Lake China IC Innovation Summit Forum is "promotion of innovative IC new products for • smart travel". By organizing local chip design enterprises and whole vehicle enterprises to meet the application needs, it aims to create a centralized promotion and release platform for domestic influential Chinese innovative IC new products, It is of positive significance to promote and alleviate the "chip shortage" problem in automobile and other industries, improve the level of integrated circuit design, and promote the large-scale application of autonomous controllable chips.

    He hoped that the Songshan Lake forum would fully grasp the huge market application advantages of Guangdong‘s integrated circuit industry and the policy location advantages of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area. Through the centralized release of domestic chip innovative products every year, with the strong communication of media friends and the efficient communication and cooperation of on-site guests Product application, exchange and cooperation will promote the development of industrial agglomeration and help our province to build the third pole of China‘s integrated circuits.

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