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Mold gravel semiconductor completed tens of millions of yuan of angel round financing

Time:2022-05-29 Views:2112
Source: titanium media

    It was reported on May 27 that the digital analog hybrid chip design company "moduli semiconductor" completed an angel round financing of tens of millions of yuan, which was invested by Lanpu capital. It is understood that this financing fund will be used to increase enterprise R & D investment, strengthen supply chain cooperation, and accelerate the progress of chip product implementation. At the beginning of its establishment, the company obtained tens of millions of yuan of seed round investment from Zhongke Chuangsheng and industrial resources.

    Established in 2021, mold gravel semiconductor is an integrated circuit manufacturer and marketer with complete design, R & D and mass production capacity of digital analog hybrid chips. The company‘s products are widely used in high-end industries, energy storage, electric vehicles and other fields.

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