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Texas Instruments has abolished the MCU team in China and "robbed people" in China

Time:2022-05-10 Views:2155
    On May 7, Texas Instruments has abolished all MCU teams in China and moved all its original MCU product lines to India.

    It is understood that ti‘s MCU R & D team in China is mainly for MSP430 product line. Now some members of the team have been laid off and some have been incorporated into the LED driver chip team. Now the domestic MCU circle has begun to "rob people" madly. Data show that MSP430 series is a series of 16 bit ultra-low power consumption and low-cost MCU launched by Ti since 1996.

    Fang Jing, chief analyst of Minsheng securities electronics, said that once ti‘s MCU team was one of the best product lines for localized operation. Based on the Chinese market, it specialized in local customized development, and customers responded very quickly. However, since the beginning of 2018, the market has been slowly taken over by domestic MCU cutting-edge manufacturers, and the living space has been squeezed. And this team is mainly in Shanghai, which is more difficult to operate during the epidemic.

    He believes that this comprehensive abolition will further promote the replacement of domestic MCU. The withdrawal of Ti is only a trend. I believe there will be more similar events in the future.

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