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Prediction of technology trend in 2022

Time:2022-02-14 Views:2260
    With the advent of the new year and the successful holding of CES in 2022, many people want to know what important technology trends we are expected to see this year. It can be expected that some important technology exhibitions emerging in the past few years will become more and more important and influential this year, such as 5g, AI and cloud computing. At the same time, I think there are some relatively new areas that will receive a lot of attention in 2022.

Rapid rise of automobile technology

    For example, automobile related technology is one of the highlights of CES this year, which is quite ready to make a comeback. The reason for the comeback is that people invested heavily in automobile technology about five years ago, but finally found that the expectation of realizing driverless cars in the short term was completely unrealistic. Now coming to 2022, I believe people have a more down-to-earth attitude towards the ability and progress of relevant technological progress.

    First, although there are still some high-profile predictions that full automatic driving can be achieved by 2025, people pay more attention to the practical application of automotive technology. For example, ADAS (advanced driving assistance system) can bring important and practical benefits to drivers, such as automatic braking when detecting targets or other vehicles; Check whether the driver is sleepy or focused; Automatic lane keeping and other functions that can ensure life safety and reduce casualties. These may not look as good as the fully automatic driving car, but they are very practical, and research shows that these are exactly what consumers really want. People are increasingly interested in technologies that can implement or strengthen ADAS, which will also be a major technology trend this year.

    At the same time, the cockpit control of the car is becoming more and more complex and the number of display screens is also greatly increased, which promotes the development of the trend of "software defined car". This development process may take years, but there is no doubt that we will see some big moves in 2022.

Robots, everywhere

    This year we may also see some interesting changes in the field of personal robots. Last year, Amazon released Astro robot, which fired the first shot in the early development stage of the field. The participation of other suppliers in the field of personal robots and the development of applications are expected to become an important milestone in the scientific and technological community this year.

PC Renaissance

    Although the prospect of PC is not very optimistic, there is still important room for progress in some existing product categories. For example, due to the improvement of sales performance and the increase of attention to PC, the PC market has also rallied recently and benefited a lot. Therefore, PC enterprises have also presented some interesting new design and application progress in recent years. In fact, with the important development of chips, the release of new coprocessors and new versions of windows, and the emergence of more eye-catching new designs, some people believe that we have entered a new renaissance of PC.

Synergy of trend convergence

    Another interesting trend is the integration of independent technologies such as 5g, artificial intelligence and cloud computing into new solutions. For example, the concept of network edge computing and distributed computing application essentially integrates these three technologies to realize new applications. Many organizations are currently using sensors, low-power computing devices (including FPGA), AI based neural network reasoning model and high-speed interconnection function to create new enterprise or consumer electronics applications. The final form of the development of these technologies remains to be studied, but applications such as smart home, industrial Internet of things and interconnected manufacturing are expected to benefit from these new technology combinations.

    In fact, if we want to summarize our expectations for 2022, it is that some core technologies that we have paid attention to in the past are gradually maturing and becoming key components of more perfect technical solutions. Whether it is traditional products such as PC and automobile, or new fields such as personal robot and 5g network, giving these fields more intelligence will become the focus of the scientific and technological community in 2022.

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