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TSMC may consider setting up a plant in Germany and plans to switch to the Czech Republic

Time:2022-02-13 Views:2258
    Some time ago, global wafers planned to acquire the equity of its German counterpart, silveric, for 4.35 billion euros. It failed because it failed to obtain the approval of the German regulatory authorities in time, which also triggered a chain effect.

    According to Taiwan media economic daily, sources revealed that TSMC, which originally said that it was still in the "very, very early" stage of setting up a factory in Germany, was afraid that due to the failure of universal crystal‘s acquisition of Shichuang, the location of the new plant in Europe would turn to the Czech Republic.

    However, for the relevant rumors, TSMC said that it would not comment on whether the failure of universal crystal‘s acquisition of Shichuang would affect the company‘s investment in Germany. It stressed that TSMC‘s overseas layout would take customer considerations as the main evaluation factor. As for the German plant establishment plan, it maintained the previous argument of "staying at a very, very early evaluation stage". As for whether to set up factories in the Czech Republic, TSMC said that its overseas layout never ruled out the possibility of any location.

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