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Gallium nitride charger and ordinary charger difference

Time:2024-06-15 Views:53
    The main difference between gallium nitride chargers and ordinary chargers is the material and working principle used in their power conversion elements. Specifically, gallium nitride chargers usually use gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor devices, while ordinary chargers usually use silicon (Si) semiconductor devices.
The main differences include:
    Size and weight: Because gallium nitride devices have higher electron mobility and lower on-off losses, gallium nitride chargers can be designed to be smaller and lighter than regular chargers, which are usually bulky.
    Efficiency: Gallium nitride chargers are able to achieve higher power conversion efficiency due to the advantages of device characteristics, which means less energy loss, faster charging speed and lower operating temperature.
    Heat dissipation performance: Due to higher efficiency, gallium nitride chargers typically generate relatively low heat, which reduces heat dissipation requirements and makes product design more flexible.
    Cost: At present, the cost of gallium nitride chargers is relatively high, but with the maturity of gallium nitride technology and the expansion of the market size, the cost is expected to gradually decline.

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