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2024 TUYA Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with Cube AI Model debut!

Time:2024-06-16 Views:42
Source: Graffiti Intelligence Author: Graffiti Intelligence
    In the current wave of AI sweeping the world, grasping the pulse of The Times and fully embracing generative AI has become a consensus. In the face of the infinite possibilities brought by AI, developers have thrown themselves into it and actively explore the new boundaries and potential applications of AI technology. In order to help global developers seize the opportunities in the era of intelligence, Graffiti launched heavyweight products such as AI large models, AI development tools, and AI small program development bases at the 2024 TUYA Global Developers Conference, so that AI value can truly land.
released the first large-scale AI model of Graffiti - Cube AI
Released the first large-scale AI model of Doodle - Cube AI
1, enterprise pain points
    The input-output of AI algorithms and computing power is low, and making good use of general large models has become the only path that most enterprises can choose;
    General large model is difficult to directly adapt to specific business scenarios, enterprises must combine their own business data fusion large model capabilities to build a dedicated AI large model.
    In the process of building exclusive large models, the lack of application scenarios and training data makes it difficult to land commercial value.
    Thanks to the huge scale of intelligent devices and open source large model capability of Graffiti ecology, Cube AI can provide a landing path for GenAI technology innovation and application.
In the direction of spatial intelligence, by integrating GenAI capabilities into spatial scenes, users can obtain the device function and management experience of generative AI, the intelligent scene experience driven by AI, or the scene analysis and linkage solution recommendation.
    For example, in the energy saving scenario, Cube Al will generate the optimal energy saving and emission reduction strategy by AI based on customer smart device data and specific scene requirements, according to the energy consumption of real-time space, and provide customers and users with leading AI technology product value in the field of space intelligence.
3. Cube AI practice
    Cube AI has a wide range of application potential and can be flexibly adapted to various intelligent scenarios. Whether it is in the industrial and commercial field or in the home scene, Cube AI has demonstrated excellent practical results, and can effectively solve the problems of energy conservation and emission reduction in buildings and household energy management.
    For business and industry: NetZero Zero carbon applications
    For the home: HEMS Home energy solutions
4. Application scenario expansion
Building energy saving scene, life safety scene, plant breeding scene, environmental management scene, health scene system, pet companion scene...
AI application products shock debut
    Three AI development tools that empower developers around the world to succeed
1. AI developers
    For graffiti developers, deep integration of large language model and developer platform, effectively assist developers in the development, operation, commercialization of the whole process.
2. AI Analyst
    The utility tool for brand customers provides scoring statistics, review summary, content interpretation, etc., so that brands can hear the "voice of consumers" more efficiently and accurately, and make corresponding optimization decisions.
3. AI application terminal
    For users of intelligent products, it is easy to realize AI intelligent control, query, quick setting and solve various complex usage problems, and provide professional advice based on the different needs of users.
    An AI small program development base to help seize the AI commercial outlet
    The original intention of the design of the AI small program development base is to empower developers to expand the AI application scenarios on the App, such as adding AI recipes, AI sleep butler, intelligent customer service, and so on.
    Its core idea is to simplify the development process and reduce the technical threshold. Through low-code or code-free development capabilities, developers can interface with multiple AI large models in one stop, and easily achieve AI plug-in application development. At the same time, the dock also supports rapid access to existing AI applications, allowing developers to easily integrate existing AI features into new applications.
    Developers only need to manage their own knowledge base to create AI agents that fit specific scenarios. This flexibility allows developers to quickly build AI applications that meet the requirements and meet the diversified needs of the market, so as to achieve the commercial landing of AI technology.
    Through the launch of the Cube AI large model, AI development tools, and AI small program development base, Doodle has further lowered the threshold for the use of AI technology and provided a clear path to the era of intelligence for developers around the         world. In the future, Doodle will continue to lead the innovation and application of GenAI technology, contributing to a smarter and more sustainable world.

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