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With three major theme forums, dozens of high-profile guests and 3,000 + developers, TUYA 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference came to a successful conclusion

Time:2024-06-15 Views:49
Source: Graffiti Intelligence Author: Graffiti Intelligence
    On May 29, the TUYA Global Developers Conference opened in Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen. Global cloud developer platform Doodle Intelligence (NYSE: TUYA, HKEX: 2391) Invited from Amazon, Lenovo, Haier, Silicon Labs, TuV SuD, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Texas Instruments, Google Cloud, Bull, Geely, Huayu Smart Air, Cylon, US Carbon, Scolt, Bang Bang, Six Senses Manufacturing Bureau, Delos, Actually Home, Chibang, V2 Indonesia Heavyweight guests from leading enterprises at home and abroad, such as Yingzhi Technology, Hometree, Simon, Qifuguang, and Lifeng, jointly discussed the current hot topics such as GenAI, large model, green sustainable development, and the collision of on-site thinking was wonderful.
    As the largest developer conference in the history of graffiti and the largest number of developers to participate, the Shenzhen Developer Conference was upgraded, attracting more than 3,000 developers from upstream and downstream of the intelligent industry around the world. It covers manufacturers, system integrators, real estate groups, channels and solutions, Chinese overseas brands, cross-border e-commerce sellers, core foreign trade OEM/ODM factories, overseas buyers, traders and other diversified groups. Among them, there are many international friends, and they have witnessed this event in the field of intelligent technology together with many developers.
2024 TUYA Worldwide Developers Conference (Shenzhen)
    The conference has a main forum and two sub-forums, and the main forum is themed "GenAI + IoT: Driving Smarter Spaces" (intelligent matter integration, AI carbon cable), which discusses the deep integration and innovative applications of GenAI technology and smart devices, and how new technologies drive new growth in the industry. The sub-forum covered the two major themes of "New ways of green, low-carbon and sustainable life" and "Developers leading the innovation and development of the industry", and the big coffee from different industries gathered together to talk about the new trend, new pattern and new future of the development of the industry combined with market insights and their own practical experience.
    At the same time, Doodle also worked with industry partners to jointly create a Doodle ecological exhibition, showing hundreds of innovative AI equipment and solutions to global developers, products covering home, security, pets, elderly care, health and other fields, guests can more intuitively understand the current AI hardware features, application scenarios and future development trends.
Discuss the opportunities and challenges in the GenAI era
    Under the unstoppable wave of GenAI, the AI hardware market has ushered in a new cycle, and the intelligent ecological pattern is being reshaped. How will GenAI technology broaden application scenarios and bring users a more user-friendly experience? Around these topics, in the morning of the main forum, Chen Liaohan, co-chairman and president of Tujia Intelligence, Deng Mengrou, product director of Doodle Intelligence developer platform, Yu Weiping, chief scientist of Doodle Intelligence AI and head of AI Algorithm Research Center, and Liu Yaxiao, chief technology officer of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, gave a wonderful share, starting from business, products and application scenarios. The future development direction of the intelligent industry under GenAI empowerment was shared.
    At the conference, Graffiti released its first large AI model - Cube Al. Thanks to the huge device scale of the graffiti ecosystem and the ability to open source large models, Cube Al can be widely used in various intelligent scenarios. For example, in energy-saving scenarios, Cube Al can reflect the energy consumption situation in real time, and automatically generate the optimal energy saving and emission reduction strategy, so as to solve the problems faced by customers in daily research and development, such as scene incompatibility, data problems, low input and output, and enable developers to rapidly promote the intelligent energy saving of industrial, commercial and home scenarios.
【 Doodle Release Cube Al】
    In addition, Graffiti also witnessed by the United Nations Global Compact organization, officially launched the ESG practice initiative, graffiti smart market and strategic cooperation vice president and CMO Na Jingdan said, will actively promote the global application of cutting-edge technologies such as GenAI, for more realistic scenarios to project wisdom power, while calling on the global ESG practitioners, we resonate with the same frequency, meet each other. Let more people around the world enjoy the convenience and friendliness of the smart world.
    With the continuous iterative development of GenAI technology, it is bound to bring new growth to the industry. At the main forum of "New Technology Gathering Momentum and New Growth" in the afternoon, Chen Jing, technical director of Doodle Intelligent TuyaOS, Qin Tiangang, Director of strategic cooperation of Lenovo Group, Xue Xiangyu, Director of intelligent Research and development of Haier Aquatic industry, Zhang Tianjie, chief architect of AI computing of Alibaba Cloud, Hu Kaifeng, general director of Amazon Alexa Smart home global solution provider, and Stephanie, head of regional expansion of Amazon Global Store in Shenzhen Chen, Zhou Wei, General manager of Silicon Labs China, and Ma Dan, head of Data protection and network security sales and business Department of TuV SuD Greater China Management Service Department, made an in-depth analysis of the future growth trend of the industry around the new development brought by the current new technology. The opportunities and challenges of the GenAI era are shared from different perspectives.
【 Speaker of the second half of the main Forum 】
    At the roundtable forum, Nie Zheyuan, technical director of the graffiti intelligent developer platform, Wang Lei, general manager of Tencent Cloud Intelligence and head of Tencent Cloud intelligent products, Division Ying, technical support director of Texas Instruments China, and Chen Lei, a Google cloud technology expert, focused on "Industry break: The topic of "The leading and impact of emerging technologies" launched the summit dialogue, and jointly sorted out the development trend and future application of new technologies.
【 Roundtable 】
Jointly explore ways to integrate green, low-carbon and technological innovation and development
    At the developer conference on the afternoon of May 29, two sub-forums of "New way of green low-carbon sustainable life" and "Developers leading the innovation and development of the industry" were held simultaneously, and many heavyweight guests contributed their own unique insights.
    In the face of global energy structure change and market demand upgrading, sustainable, green, high-quality development model has become the first choice of most enterprises, how to use new technologies in the era of GenAI to achieve intelligent management of energy has become a topic of concern.
    At the "New Way of Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Living" sub-forum, Xie Weiwei, Vice president and general manager of New Energy Division of Bull Group, Li Jia, Deputy general manager of Energy Storage Division of Geely Vero, Chen Yu, General manager of Huayuan Zhihang, Xiao Shaobin, Vice president of China business of Cylunsi, Li Jingzhou, general manager of Guangdong Mei Carbon Technology Co., LTD., Wang Hua, General manager of Sycolt, Chen Yangbin, CTO of Bang Bang Robot, Yang Ye, Director of Commodity Planning of Six Sense Manufacturing Bureau, and Doodle Smart New Yang Qinghui, product director of energy solutions, and Bai Rui, product director of intelligent intelligent travel solutions, shared the importance of energy conservation and emission reduction and the way of energy management driven by new technologies from the perspectives of automotive, electrical, home, travel, energy storage and other industries.
【 Speaker of the "New Way of Green, Low-carbon and Sustainable Living" Sub-Forum 】
    At the sub-forum of "Developers Leading Industry Innovation and Development", Ying Haiping, General Manager of Doodle Smart Business, Xue Ya, President of Delos Asia, President of WELL Architecture Research Institute Asia, Fang Yuzhi, Vice President of the House, Tang Mu, founder of Yingzhi Technology, Rudi Hidayat CEO of V2 Indonesia and Elvio Ransolin CEO of Elvio Ransolin Hometree, Zhibang smart home business director Wu Zhiwen, Simon China marketing director Zheng Guangming, Qifu Light technology founder Chen Dechao, Lifeng security founder Liu Jianfeng and other heavy guests from all over the world, combined with the characteristics of the industry, in-depth discussion on how to use technology, platform characteristics to create differentiated competitive advantages of products, to promote the development of smart business.
【 Keynote Speaker of "Developers Leading the Innovation and Development of the Industry" 】
    During the sub-forum, Doodle also held a cooperation signing ceremony with companies such as Chilien, US Carbon Technology, Orford, Firefly, AiTAN, Actually Home, Delos, V2 Indonesia, Hometree, etc. In the future, Doodle will work with partners to give full play to their respective advantages in industry, technology, products, etc., and move toward win-win cooperation in complementing and promoting each other.
Seize global business opportunities, hundreds of smart hardware focused on the ecological exhibition
    At this developer conference, Doodle jointly held an ecological exhibition with partners such as Qifuguang, Huizhu, Linke, and Silicon Labs. Graffiti Ecological Exhibition is a comprehensive exhibition IP that gathers brand power, promotes technical exchanges and deepensindustry cooperation. It aims to unite global developers to display advanced technologies and achievements, and help brands better expand their influence and further expand global business cooperation with the help of the potential energy of TUYA Global Developers Conference.
【 Graffiti Ecological Exhibition 】
    At the ecological exhibition, Graffiti and partners jointly displayed hundreds of smart hardware covering home, security, pets, energy, travel, office, business and other fields, and innovative AI products such as smart bird feeders, smart pet machines, and smart rings are particularly eye-catching, not only deeply integrated AI capabilities, but also can be based on users‘ daily use habits and actual scenarios. More accurate execution of user commands, so that guests in the field experience more scene.
    In addition to intelligent hardware, Graffiti Ecological exhibition also displayed a number of innovative solutions, showing the landing solutions and scene values of AI hardware in different fields, such as intelligent control screen solutions, intelligent lighting solutions, etc., so that guests can immerse themselves in the scene and fully feel the smart life and technology temperature.
    In addition, in the evening, the "Winning power - visionary night", "wisdom to go to sea, set sail on a new road" and other business banquet, for the intelligent industry upstream and downstream enterprises, investors, developer representatives, cross-border buyers, traders to build a relaxed exchange platform, promote the participants to establish close business cooperation, and jointly explore the GenAI era of business opportunities.
    For developers, the TUYA Global Developers Conference is an AI feast based on today and looking to the future. Big names from well-known companies around the world gather together to share the experience accumulated in the past and the outlook for the future. The collision of ideas of these top brains will not only provide scientific guidance for the current corporate actions, but also provide scientific guidance for the future. It will also explore the integration trend of technology and business in the GenAI era, and accelerate the development process of global intelligent business.

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