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Japan semiconductor equipment sales for the first time in 8 months year-on-year growth!

Time:2024-04-04 Views:217
Source: Core Intelligence
    On February 27, according to statistics released by the Japan Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Association (SEAJ) on the 26th, in January this year, Japan‘s semiconductor equipment sales (three-month moving average including exports) was 315.512 billion yen, an increase of 5.2%, nearly the first year-on-year growth in eight months. Monthly sales exceeded the 300 billion yen mark for two consecutive months, a new high since April 2023 (333.9 billion yen), and a 3.2% month-on-month increase from December 2023, showing three consecutive months of month-on-month growth.
    Last year, Japan‘s semiconductor equipment sales fell 6.7% year-on-year to 3287.245 billion yen, the first time in nearly four years into a year-on-year decline, but annual sales for three consecutive years above the 3 trillion yen mark, a record high, only less than in 2022, 38,51.699 billion yen.
    Wafer Fab Equipment (WFE) market size was revised upward to around $100 billion, close to the all-time high in 2022, while double-digit growth is expected in 2025 (compared to 2024). Tokyo Electronics originally estimated the WFE market size to be $200 billion in 2024 to 2025 (two-year total value).


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