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Zhaoyi Innovation, Stable Prices, MCU Entering Bottom Building Stage

Time:2024-01-22 Views:380
Source: Daohe Shunxin Wen
    On December 26th, Zhaoyi Innovation stated on the investor interaction platform that there was some price rebound in large storage at the end of the third quarter of this year, which has a certain driving effect on niche storage. The price of niche storage is also bottoming out and has a slight rebound. The prices of NOR Flash and SLC Nand Flash have basically stabilized, and the truly effective rebound in prices still needs to be observed continuously.
    Zhaoyi Innovation DRAM mainly focuses on niche products, including small capacity DDR4, DDR3, and other products. It is also actively developing other niche DRAM products such as 8Gb DDR4 to supplement the entire standard interface niche DRAM product line, effectively support the company‘s DRAM business development, and meet customer needs.
    Among them, SPI NAND Flash products have achieved full product coverage in consumer electronics, industrial, automotive electronics, and other fields. The company‘s Parallel NAND Flash products can cover four capacity ranges of 1Gb to 8Gb, providing rich, high-speed, and highly reliable solution choices for industrial, communication, and consumer electronics.


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