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MediaTek CEO Cai Lixing, next year will definitely be better than this year

Time:2024-01-21 Views:378
Source: Xinzhixun
    On December 27th, it was reported that in the context of the gradual recovery of the smartphone market, MediaTek CEO Cai Lixing was awarded the 17th Pan Wenyuan Award on December 26th. He attended the award ceremony and said in an interview, "Next year will definitely be better than this year." He also revealed that MediaTek‘s 3nm advanced process chips will be produced at TSMC, and the two sides have close cooperation. As for the cooperation with Intel, it is in the 16nm process.
    Looking back at the semiconductor market in 2023, Cai Lixing pointed out that besides NVIDIA, 2023 has been a tough year for the semiconductor industry, and MediaTek has also been relatively tough. MediaTek‘s stock price dropped significantly at the end of last year, even falling short of NT $600, but gradually rebounded a few months later.
    Cai Lixing‘s analysis has two key points. Firstly, although facing challenges in the business, the management team is good, and the management of inventory, product lines, and other aspects is appropriate. Investors have confidence in it. In addition, looking ahead to this year, many businesses of the company will have new developments, such as the cooperation with Nvidia in the automotive related business in June, which is a long-term business and has a positive impact on the company‘s long-term development.
    Looking ahead to 2024, Cai Lixing smiled and said, "If it‘s not as good as 2023, we‘ll have to spank." It just depends on how much better it will be.
    Cai Lixing pointed out that MediaTek had not slowed down its research and development investment even when its operations were not very good. Chairman Cai Mingjie agreed with him to be a leader in technology and not just a follower.
    When it comes to cooperation with wafer foundries, Cai Lixing emphasized that MediaTek‘s 3nm advanced process chips will be produced at TSMC, and the two sides have close cooperation. As for cooperation with Intel, it will be in the 16nm process. In addition to advanced processes, advanced packaging is also important, and the importance of the latter has further increased compared to before.
    Cai Lixing also stated that positioning MediaTek as a pure IC design company is not very precise, but rather a product company or system technology company, even if it does not have its own manufacturing end. It will be relatively easy for MediaTek to internationalize its industry, as there is not much capital expenditure. The biggest expenditure is on talent, but the company cannot control the number of talents in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Therefore, it must utilize global talent, otherwise it will definitely not win.


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