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Juxin Technology: The pursuit of high-quality sound never stops

Time:2023-06-12 Views:940
    Sound is an intangible poetic and emotional bloom, and the pursuit of sound quality is our deep exploration and pursuit of the charm of sound. At Juxin Technology, there is a group of people who are pursuing higher audio quality with stricter standards and requirements. Some people "listen to a song every three years" to develop a golden ear, while others work day and night to overcome difficulties in improving sound quality. Some tirelessly polish and forge the "three board axe" for improving sound effects... Together, they strive for excellence and are committed to creating full link high-definition sound quality, integrating high sound quality into every audio product.
     The processing of sound is a complex systematic project, from audio acquisition to signal processing, and then to the restoration of the playback system, every step and detail requires continuous improvement to ensure the highest level of audio performance and the most authentic sound reproduction.
     Good sound quality needs to withstand testing. For the evaluation of sound quality, it is necessary to comprehensively consider two dimensions: objective test data and subjective listening evaluation. The objective standards are also mixed with subjective judgment. As a professional audio chip design manufacturer, in order to take this path more steadily, Juxin has invested a lot of resources in cultivating good sound quality "internal skills".
Carefully Building a Torch Core Acoustic Laboratory
    According to international certification standards, Juxin has built an advanced acoustic laboratory in the company‘s R&D center. Including a fully anechoic room, a reverberation room, and a listening room, used for experiments on earphones, speakers, and watch calls, sound effects, earphones, wireless microphone noise reduction, and speaker audio listening research. The laboratory is equipped with an industry-leading subjective and objective evaluation system for headphones, as well as an industry high specification multi scene, six speed variable reverberation sound field environment simulation laboratory. It is mainly used for testing the music playback effect of products such as audio systems and home theaters in various living environments, as well as for testing the earphone call recording function.
    Every strict testing and validation not only better meets customer standards, but also drives the company‘s research and development capabilities to continuously improve.
    From an objective evaluation standard, the results of high sound quality mainly consist of two aspects: one is the excellent sound quality indicators of each link in the sound processing system, and the other is the excellent sound quality indicators of the final product end. Due to the uncontrollability of the product end (such as the selection of microphones, speakers, amplifiers, etc.), we can only provide recommendations from the chip manufacturer. In the sound processing system, we can use THD+N (Total harmonic distortion+noise), bottom noise, SNR, amplitude (loudness), frequency response curve, other advanced equipment and advanced laboratories to measure the indicators in the chip, development board and solution system.
    However, evaluating sound quality cannot solely rely on scientific testing and experimental data, it also involves subjective personal feelings and aesthetic preferences. People‘s Auditory system and auditory memory are unique, so everyone‘s understanding and preference for sound quality may be different, and the evaluation of sound quality is also affected by individual subjective factors, such as hearing sensitivity, emotional experience and personal preference.
Juxin Technology‘s "Golden Ear Plan"
    In addition to representing objective evaluation indicators such as laboratory testing and hard indicator data, Juxin Technology has also launched the "Golden Ear Plan" and created the "Juxin Golden Ear" team. The members of the "Golden Ear" team are composed of over 20 engineers, and the selection requirements for members are very strict. In the early stage, they need to undergo physical examination and verification by a professional medical institution to confirm that their hearing is intact. Then, through professional training and guidance such as theoretical courses and professional listening classes, they continuously cultivate their sense of sound to improve the team members‘ subjective evaluation ability of sound.
    The company has indeed invested a lot of resources in improving the product user experience in multiple dimensions, and combined with professional external training instructors to teach the team. The existing members need to be able to easily distinguish different frequencies, loudness, and instruments that appear in a sound segment. "Zhao Xinzhong, Director of Algorithm Research and Development at Juxin Technology, and also the general manager of the" Juxin Golden Ear "team, said, Through scientific testing and measurement, as well as personal subjective feelings, combined with a dual approach of boxing, the integration of science and humanities enables us to evaluate and describe the sound quality of sound, thereby better understanding and appreciating the rich and diverse auditory experiences in the audio world“
Ultra strong auxiliary forging torch core with high sound quality
    In addition to a series of research and development efforts, the rich technological accumulation is also a "sharp edge" for Juxin Technology to create high-quality sound. The chips, development boards, and solutions involved in the entire sound processing system, including ADC and DAC technology, circuit paths, sound effect processing, compression algorithms for encoding and decoding, noise reduction processing, good tuning tools, and years of acoustic experience accumulation, are all solid technical foundations for building high-quality products using Juxin Technology.
    If every enterprise‘s product research and development is standardized and unchanging, the difference is actually only in who does it more meticulously, but what we want to do is surpass and pursue perfection, so we must have our own, higher value technology. At present, the research and development strength of Juxin Technology has reached international standard levels in terms of ADC&DAC, audio encoding and decoding, noise reduction algorithms, and sound effect algorithms, among which many are independently developed by the company, thereby opening up the competitive landscape with fierce market competition.
Reverse learning for common progress
    In the field of audio, Juxin Technology has put great effort into creating high-quality products. It is essential to seek and explore both internally and externally. So, in addition to practicing "internal skills" and self-improvement, we have not overlooked a deeper understanding of customer needs, especially after establishing cooperation with professional audio customers. The standards and opinions of customers are important gains for Juxin Technology along the way.
    International first-class customers have high standards and pursuits for sound quality. When they propose a certain standard, they usually establish rules and methods to measure it first. Collaborating with such customers can actually drive suppliers to progress together. Therefore, Juxin Technology often encourages team members to participate more, and such opportunities are very valuable for improving the strength of the team and individuals.
Endless exploration of the audio world
    Juxin Technology‘s pursuit of high-quality sound has never ceased. We focus on the research of various acoustic and audio technologies, breaking the curse of "sound quality metaphysics" and ensuring that every sound has clear standards to measure, making every sound traceable and adjustable; Committed to providing seamless immersive audio experience and high-end audio-visual enjoyment for the vast number of users, as Dr. Zhou Zhengyu, Chairman and CEO of Juxin Technology, once said, "Let high-quality sound accompany you like a shadow. From the rustling of leaves in the forest to the hustle and bustle of the city, to the whispers of family members, each sound is a unique artwork. Juxin Technology hopes to allow millions of users to hear the sound of returning to nature and explore the beauty of sound together.
    In addition, as a chip manufacturer, looking back at the chip development itself, "The core of technology pre research is to look further, not drift with the tide, but also consider the demand and implementation of the market level, and find the product scheme that best matches your actual situation." Zhang Xianjun, deputy general manager of Juxin Technology Research and Development, said: "The company‘s existing CPU+DSP dual core heterogeneous products have advantages for the end side intelligent market, but Juxin has continued to invest in the research and development of AI algorithms for many years, and has continued to study NPU and even In-memory processing technology (CIM), with its potential for Bluetooth audio SoC integration, new product plans can also become more competitive in the AI ecosystem and market boom brought about by ChatGPT
About Juxin Technology
    China‘s leading low-power system level chip design manufacturer is committed to providing professional integrated chips for smart IoT fields such as wireless audio, intelligent wearable, and intelligent interaction, specializing in providing high audio quality and low latency wireless audio experiences under the premise of low power consumption. The company deeply cultivates high quality audio full signal chain technology with high-performance audio ADC/DAC, voice preprocessing, audio encoding and decoding, and audio post-processing as the core; And low latency wireless connection technology with Bluetooth RF, baseband, and protocol stack technology as the core.


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