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2023 STM32 China Summit opens a new chapter

Time:2023-06-11 Views:930
    This year‘s STM32 China Summit has come to a successful conclusion, and we sincerely thank everyone for their continued support and attention. Let‘s take a set of key data to review the exciting journey of this summit!
    Over 2600 visitors attended the 2023 STM32 China Summit in person
    Over 75000 viewers watched the 2023 STM32 China Summit online
    As of May 17th, a total of 2433 live streaming images have been collected, with a total of 341495 views
    A total of 29 keynote speeches and 28 seminars were held at the summit site, focusing on four major themes: edge AI&information security, connectivity, ecosystem&developer priority plan, and intelligent industry&high-performance MCU/MPU
    Display over 200 products on site, covering a wide range of fields such as edge AI, network connectivity, information security, ecosystems, developer priority solutions, and STM32 vertical applications
    11 rich and interesting interactive games have attracted a large number of fans to check in on-site, experience ST‘s new product series, and win awards
    10 industry media held face-to-face conversations with ST executives on-site to discuss key topics such as STM32 new products and industry trends
    Strong support from 42 partners, customers, and 16 agents
    Click here for the two-day live playback, click here for the live picture collection, log in to the event homepage, and click here
    The theme of this year‘s summit is "STM32 goes beyond the core". On the first day of the keynote speech, multiple global executives and experts from ST were invited to attend in person, providing the audience with exciting speeches in a new mode. Let‘s review the important speeches of three senior leaders together.
    Around the new strategy of STM32, Mr. Cao Zhiping, President of STMicroelectronics China, delivered an opening speech for the event. He said, "Today, we showcased the latest breakthrough in the STM32 product portfolio, showcasing the resilience of Yifa Semiconductor in innovation. Yifa Semiconductor, with its strong capabilities, expands its technological coverage, and promotes new products and solutions around edge artificial intelligence, information security, and functional security. At the same time, it strengthens our manufacturing strategy, enriches our ecosystem, and better meets customer needs
Mr. Cao Zhiping, President of STMicroelectronics China
    As the host of the main forum, Mr. Remi EL-OUAZZANE, President of STMicroelectronics Microcontroller and Digital IC Product Department (MDG), gave a keynote speech around a series of innovative initiatives and new product launches of STM32 products.
Mr. Remi EL-OUAZZANE, President of French Semiconductor MDG
    This year‘s STM32 China Summit has taken the experience to a new level! We have showcased you with the latest products, solutions, and tools to help you achieve intelligence, connectivity, and security for billions of devices. Firstly, we will showcase innovation in three areas that we believe are crucial for achieving the vision of cloud connected intelligent edges: embedded AI, connectivity, and information security. In addition, we We will also showcase the foundation that can support all of these products, including our STM32Cube ecosystem, application oriented solutions, uncompromising quality assurance, and of course, a very important point - our continuous investment in the supply chain. All of these have been recognized by customers and partners
    Through this event, we hope you can understand that STM32 can provide you with more than just chips. This is also the source of our theme ‘More than just chips‘ this year, "emphasized Remi.
    Mr. Ricardo DE-SA-EARP, Executive Vice President of STMicroelectronics and General Manager of General Microcontroller Sub product Department, introduced the relevant actions of ST capacity expansion in his speech. In order to meet the growing demand for ST‘s entire product line in the long term, we are significantly expanding our 12 inch wafer manufacturing to achieve the goal of doubling production capacity between 2022 and 2025. If we cannot better serve our customers, we will lose their trust. Investment and expansion are ST‘s efforts to win back customer trust. We are committed to creating a flexible and resilient STM32 production and manufacturing network for our customers, ensuring that Ensure supply safety and shorten delivery cycles Ricardo stated.
Mr. Ricardo DE-SA-EARP, Executive Vice President of STMicroelectronics and General Manager of General Microcontroller Sub product Department
    This summit presented over 200 product demonstrations to the audience. Below we will share with you four selected solutions.
Product Demonstration 1: Washing Machine with Machine Learning Function
How to integrate edge AI
    This is the first time ST has exhibited a washing machine prototype running machine learning algorithms in Asia. As one of the highlights of the Embedded World 2023 exhibition, this washing machine uses current sensing technology and a model library generated by NanoEdge AI to accurately determine the weight of clothing, with an accuracy error of ± 100 grams. In contrast, the error of similar systems is about ± 500 grams. Through a more accurate weighing function, the washing machine can adjust the motor washing cycle based on the actual weight of the clothes, optimizing energy efficiency. The washing machine adjusts the water intake based on clothing weight data to achieve the goal of water conservation.
Why integrate edge AI?
    This product demonstration also has high symbolic significance as it answers the key question of ‘why edge artificial intelligence should be used in consumer products‘. Many times, engineers believe that machine learning can help us find problems. The ST washing machine prototype provides a good answer to this question, demonstrating the ability to create more efficient and environmentally friendly products without adding any new components. Because NanoEdge AI uses existing current detection sensors and can run algorithms on mixed signal MCU such as STM32G4, equipment manufacturers can train and deploy new functions through machine learning without adjusting PCB design and modifying Bill of materials costs.
Product Demonstration 2: Industry 4.0 on the Road
    Another characteristic of this year‘s summit is that the STM32 summit in 2023 is also a great opportunity to understand how the entire ST ecosystem works together, how to promote Industry 4.0, and welcome Industry 5.0. In addition to the control function demonstration based on the STM32 series products, a wonderful demonstration of a complete production line with integrated robotic arms was presented by simulating the actual application scenarios of factory automation. This task may seem simple, but all operations require high connectivity, communication, and intelligence.
    For example, the safety protection function of the assembly line is implemented using STM32G0, which is based on the ST TOF distance sensor (VL53L3CX) to detect the presence of people or objects near the machine. If it exists, it will send a message to the Programmable logic controller composed of STM32MP1 and IO Link interface chip (L6364). After receiving the message, the Programmable logic controller immediately stops the production line operation to ensure the safety of the operator hovering near the manipulator. Through this product demonstration, we can understand that the highlight of Industry 5.0 lies in its emphasis on putting technology first. This demonstration fully demonstrates how to prioritize human safety and well-being, which is also one of ST‘s core concepts.
How to solve interconnection and intelligence problems?
    To demonstrate how to connect all units, this robotic arm prototype uses an IO Link master station with EtherCAT interface. The main station design is based on an STM32L4 MCU and an IO Link communication main transceiver L6360. In this demonstration, the master station is connected to the air valve actuator controller, two conveyor belt stepper motors, mechanical arm and other terminal equipment. Therefore, the system can monitor each unit through the IO Link interface.
    In addition, the demonstration also used the STEVAL-PROTEUS industrial AI evaluation kit, which is equipped with an STM32WB wireless microcontroller on the evaluation board. Upload various sensor data to cloud servers through low-power Bluetooth or Zigbee gateways to monitor the working conditions of the pipeline. When the product moves on the assembly line, scan each product label through the NFC reader ST25R3916B controlled by the STM32WL sub GHz transceiver, send the product production record to the cloud through the LoRa network, and write the time stamp issued by the cloud into the NFC label on the product to complete the closed-loop control of production traceability.
Product demonstration 3: locking software security in Smart lock
Why does ST always come to mind when it comes to information security?
    This device is simple and easy to understand, with the NUCLEO-WBA52CG development board and the new STM32WBA wireless microcontroller as the main components. In addition to BLE, STM32WBA also supports multiple protocols, such as Matter, OpenThread, ZigBee, and so on. As part of its scalable security strategy, ST ported Trusted Firmware M to the TrustZone architecture of STM32WBA, with the goal of achieving SESIP level 3 authentication.
    During the demonstration, our product specialist installed a display screen on the circuit board to display whether the lock is in an unlocked or locked state. In fact, users interact with ST‘s BLE mobile application and send signals to the lock. This Smart lock demonstration uses the function of STM32WBA to support Trusted Firmware-M, protect various keys and certificates, and isolate some codes in the security zone. In short, although the demo product is a Smart lock, behind the scenes, engineers can see how ST‘s solution integrates the latest security functions into embedded systems robustly.
Product Demonstration 4: Maze Game is an application that uses STM32MP1 to control the motor to find a way out
How can STM32MP1 make motor control better?
    There are hundreds of unique demonstration activities at the 2023 STM32 Summit. In order to help the industry understand the Market trend and guide everyone to understand the solutions that are beneficial to research and development, we chose demonstrations like maze games. As the name suggests, this demonstration involves placing a maze game table on two motors, using the B-CAMS-OMV camera module to capture maze images and real-time capture the position of the target ball. The STM32MP1 microprocessor processes the image, controls motor motion, and pushes the ball towards the end of the maze. The communication between the microprocessor and the motor uses the EtherCAT industrial bus protocol interface. STM32MP1 is connected to a STEVAL-ETH001V1 via an Ethernet cable, which connects to another STEVAL-ETH001V1 evaluation board through a daisy chain method.
What are the requirements for multi motor control applications?
    In addition to its inherent fun and puzzle features, the maze game demonstration is another example of demonstrating the importance of communication in motor control applications. In fact, with the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 expansion board, users can use joysticks or Bluetooth devices to control demonstrations. Therefore, visitors can understand how important it is to provide a range of motor control solutions and how to use ST solutions to achieve these motor control solutions. Another gain from maze games is the importance of edge AI response speed. Connect the camera module to STM32H747I-DISCO and demonstrate how the development team can use MCU and MPU to optimize operations, ultimately achieving shorter inference time and improving the application effectiveness of machine learning.


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