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Apple Announces Supplier List for 2022:,Chinese Manufacturers 10 in and 13 out

Time:2023-05-30 Views:965
Source: Xinzhixun
    On May 24, it was reported that Apple recently announced the list of suppliers for the 2022 fiscal year. This time, 186 enterprises were announced, including 94 Chinese manufacturers (including 45 Taiwan, China manufacturers), accounting for more than 50%. Although 10 new Chinese manufacturers were added to the list this time, 13 Chinese manufacturers were also removed from Apple‘s supply chain.
    It is understood that the 10 Chinese manufacturers newly added to Apple‘s supply chain this time are: Hunan Taijia New Materials, Cathay Pacific, Sunny Optics, Zhuhai Guanyu and Shenzhen Forceblack Technology, as well as Lianyong, Huabang Electronics, Ruiyi, Zhizhan and Platinum Technology from Taiwan, China. It is worth mentioning that Lianyong, Huabang Electric, and Platinum Technology have entered the Apple chain for the first time, while Ruiyi and Zhishen have returned to the Apple supply chain.
    The 8 Chinese manufacturers excluded from Apple‘s supply chain are: CTM Holdings Limited, Consumer HK Holdco II Limited, Fuchi Technology, Kaicheng Technology, Shenzhen Fuchengda Technology, Deep Blue Materials, Zhenghe Group, Tianma Microelectronics, and Taiwan, China Qixuan, Yingyeda, Jingshuo, Kejia and Taiyao Technology. It is worth noting that Kejia and Taiyao Technology just joined Apple Chain last year and were removed this year.
    In addition, Japanese manufacturers have added 4 new ones this time, with 3 being removed from Apple‘s supply chain, while the list of Korean manufacturers has remained largely unchanged.
    If you look at the production or R&D sites in the list, there are 428 sites in the latest list, 37 fewer than the 465 in 2021, but the number of sites in Chinese Mainland is still 149, still the largest area.
    It should be pointed out that Apple originally announced its top 200 suppliers every year, but starting from the 2020 fiscal year, it has only disclosed the top 98% of suppliers related to direct expenses in materials, manufacturing, and assembly.
    Before Apple‘s fiscal year 2020, Taiwan accounted for a higher proportion of Apple‘s supply chain than mainland manufacturers. Subsequently, in order to reduce costs, Apple began to introduce a large number of mainland supply chain manufacturers. In the main supply chain list for fiscal year 2020, there were 51 mainland enterprises, surpassing Taiwan‘s 48 for the first time. From that moment on, mainland China became the region with the most Apple suppliers.


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