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Crystal Alliance set up the stage, industry, university and research performed, and opened the "Long March" road of China‘s core

Time:2022-12-17 Views:1389
Source: Huaqiang Electronic Network Author: Jingshang Alliance
    Today, the "5th Software Definition On Chip System Technology and Industry Alliance Conference" was held. With the theme of "Jointly Building the ‘Core‘ Era of the On Crystal System", the conference gathered more than 100 distinguished guests from China‘s top universities and institutes, leading science and technology enterprises, authoritative industry associations and well-known innovation institutions in the form of online live broadcast, and conducted special discussions on the key core technologies, processes, designs and scene applications of Software Defined On Crystal System (SDSoW Self reliance and self-improvement.
    The conference was organized by the Information and Electronic Engineering Department of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Science and Technology Innovation Department of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, China Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd., China Electronics Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Aerospace Science and Engineering Group Co., Ltd., China Electronics Society, China Communications Society, Tianjin Science and Technology Association, Tianjin Binhai New Area Industry and Information Bureau Under the guidance of Tianjin Binhai New Area Science and Technology Association and Tianjin Integrated Circuit Industry Association, it is jointly sponsored by the National Digital Switching System Engineering Technology Research Center, Tsinghua University, Zhijiang Laboratory, Songshan Laboratory, Zijinshan Laboratory, Software Definition System on Crystal Technology and Industry Alliance, Tianjin Binhai New Area Information Technology Innovation Center and Tianjin Information Technology Application Innovation Industry (Talent) Alliance.
    Professor Liu Leibo of Tsinghua University presided over the conference, and Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, Wu Manqing, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chen Ying, Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Electronics, Zhang Yanchuan, Vice President and Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Communications, and Zhang Guihua, Vice President of Binhai New Area of Tianjin, delivered wonderful speeches.
Free disclosure of three core patents of on-board system
    In the face of the continuous blockade and decoupling of the United States, Academician Wu Jiangxing‘s team focused on the strategic goal of the great national rejuvenation, based on the basic national conditions of China‘s semiconductor, adhering to the principles of developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, upholding innovation and exploring new ways, based on the theory of system engineering, integrating system structure and integrated process innovation, and anticipating the new base point and bottom line of China‘s future development of science and technology, It is proposed that the SDSoW innovation direction based on domestic technology and industrial foundation can provide strategic support for China‘s chips to solve the "choke" dilemma and achieve "lane changing overtaking", and is expected to create a path of independent innovation, self-reliance, lane changing overtaking and strategic breakthrough of China‘s chips that is weakly related to advanced technology. SDSoW can be widely used in data centers, high-performance computing, intelligent computing, computing power networks and other national and people‘s livelihood information infrastructures, as well as in command and control, network communications, radar, electronic warfare and other key national defense information infrastructures. It is a strategic priority.
    At this conference, relying on the Software Definition On Chip System Technology and Industry Alliance, three core patents were officially released to the members of the Alliance for free, including Software Definition On Chip System and Data Interaction Methods and System Architecture, A Domain specific Software Definition Wafer Level System and Prefabrication Interconnection and Integration Method, and Building Methods and Systems for the Development Environment of On chip System, covering the system architecture The assembly, interconnection, integration and development environment tools together form the "root" of SDSoW‘s technology and industrial development, which is of great significance to the accelerated innovation of SDSoW‘s technology and the rapid popularization of the industry. It is a vivid practice to establish a united front, pool powerful forces, explore a new national system of chip self-reliance and self-improvement in the new era, and will certainly support the implementation of SDSoW‘s national strategic goals Serve the upgrading of thousands of industries and provide sufficient development source power.
Thought feast of the main forum led by academicians
    At the meeting, Wu Jiangxing, an academician of the CAE Member, Hao Yue, Jin Li, an academician of the CAS Member, Yu Shaohua, an academician of the CAE Member, Mao Junfa, an academician of the CAS Member, and Sun Ninghui, an academician of the CAE Member, successively made works entitled "Jointly Building the" Core "Era of Systems on Crystal", "Innovation Driving the Sustainable Development of Integrated Circuits", "Flowing Genes and" Evolving "Chips", "National Information Optoelectronics Innovation Center and Research Progress in Silicon Optical Chips" From Integrated Circuit to Integrated System and Advanced Technology of Integrated Chip, Dr. Wang Chenglu, the father of Hongmeng in China, was invited to give a speech entitled "Intelligent Connection of All Things, Software Definition".
    Academician Wu Jiangxing introduced the birth background and scientific connotation of the SDSoW technology, explained how it can "achieve a first-class system based on materials and processes that are one or two generations behind", and gave a wonderful answer to how Chinese chips can achieve "lane changing overtaking" under the current "bottleneck".
    Academician Hao Yue deeply analyzed the development direction of different fields of integrated circuits in China, and emphatically introduced the current advantages of China and the gap between China and the world‘s advanced level. He suggested that China should increase its support for the integrated circuit industry in terms of legislation, industry and discipline layout, and strengthen the talent base.
    Academician Jin Li believes that the evolution history of life on the earth is also the evolution history of genes and the "flow" history of genetic information. The integrated circuit technology, which was born 65 years ago, has been achieving exponential development and evolution along Moore‘s Law, and has played a significant role in promoting the development of life sciences, including the Human Genome Project and molecular anthropology. This paper expounds the mutual empowerment, blending development and coevolution of information technology and biotechnology, chip technology and gene technology, and emphatically introduces the current situation and future development trend of gene sequencing, single cell gene sequencing, protein sequencing, DNA synthesis, DNA storage and other technologies.
    Academician Yu Shaohua stressed that China is "big but not strong" in the field of information optoelectronics industry, the core optoelectronic chips and high-end devices are seriously missing, and the dependence on foreign technology is high, which has become a key technical bottleneck restricting the development of China‘s new generation of information technology industry. To this end, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the People‘s Republic of China has jointly established the National Information Optoelectronics Innovation Center with domestic competitive enterprises, and has targeted a series of silicon optical chips for research and development, achieving fruitful results.
    Academician Mao Junfa said that the past 60 years are the era of integrated circuits and the next 60 years are the era of integrated systems. He believes that achieving the leap from integrated circuit to integrated system is a new way for the development of complex micro system integration technology, a new direction for the development of integrated circuit in the post Moore era, and a new opportunity for the development of semiconductor technology to change its path and overtake.
    Academician Sun Ninghui mentioned in his speech that, due to the urgent needs of the lithography machine and industry, improving performance through core particle integration has become an important trend in chip development and the focus of basic research. He introduced the layout and progress of the Computational Institute and Zhijiang Laboratory in the field of chip integration.
    Wang Chenglu, CEO of Shenzhen Kaihong Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd., believes that today‘s international situation is tense and technical and market barriers are spreading. If China‘s economy and science and technology want to develop in high quality, it needs to have independent and controllable root technology and make breakthroughs in chips, OS and other basic fields.
The sub forums gathered by experts are brilliant
     It is reported that the guests will conduct intelligent exchanges on topics such as the design of the system architecture, the process and integration of the system, and the software and tools of the system on the 11th. At the same time, 9 sub forums, including Future Semiconductor, Micro nano Electronics, Information Photon, Advanced Computing and System on Crystal, Multimodal Network and Artificial Intelligence, were set up jointly with the Expert Group of Key R&D Programs of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
    With the increase of chip size, yield control becomes more and more difficult, and the problems of advanced packaging technology in heat dissipation, power consumption, package size and other aspects become increasingly prominent. As the system of the system, the wafer level system not only has the flexibility in the field, but also has the high performance and high efficiency of the special level, and naturally matches the flexible and efficient structure connotation of open complex systems and even intelligent systems. To this end, the sub forum of "On Crystal System Architecture Design" will invite well-known domestic experts to share relevant knowledge of software definition on the system architecture level. The sub forum of "On chip system process and integration" invited domestic authoritative experts in the direction of process and integration in the field of microelectronics to discuss wafer level process and integration technology under China‘s independent process and technology level, and clarify the paradigm of the realization of on chip system and the linkage between upstream and downstream industrial chains. The sub forum of "On chip system software and tools" will invite domestic experts and scholars in relevant fields to discuss and exchange ideas about 3D IC integration, chiplet design, semiconductor EDA development, etc.
    For future basic research, the conference set up a sub forum of "Future Semiconductor", inviting relevant experts to focus on cutting-edge semiconductor technologies such as large chips, high-efficient ferroelectrics, high-efficient machine learning and two-dimensional semiconductor materials for academic exchange and sharing.
    Facing the post Moore era, the world is investing heavily in exploring and studying the development path of microelectronics in the post Moore era. Chiplet, memristor and other emerging technologies are advancing rapidly. The "Micro/Nanoelectronics" sub forum will hold special discussions on topics such as Chiplet, integration of memory and computing, microelectronics research paradigm, analog integrated circuits, etc.
    The optoelectronic integration technology represented by silicon based optoelectronics is causing fundamental changes in the technological development mode, system design method and production organization mode of the electronic information industry. The sub forum of "Information Photon" will discuss the integration technology and application requirements of silicon based optoelectronics, the current progress and challenges, and the development goals of the next generation of products.
    With the accelerated implementation of data intensive businesses and cloud services, advanced computing architecture has developed rapidly, and advanced computing theories and technologies such as graph computing, stream computing, cloud computing, and pseudo computing have become more mature, serving the industry in succession. The sub forum of "Advanced Computing and System on Crystal" will conduct in-depth exchanges on topics related to graph computing, brain like computing, cloud computing, and quantum computing.
    The "Multimodal Network" sub forum will focus on the multi-modal network technology. The speakers will introduce the multi-modal network environment, the multi-modal transmission network based on SEANet technology, the key technology of software definition chip for multi-modal network, and the multi-modal network supporting diversified new network technology. They will also share their views on the multi-modal network based new network technology to help the East and West calculate strategy.
    At present, AI technology is developing explosively. New theories, new methods, new tools and new systems are constantly emerging. At the same time, higher requirements are put forward for AI chips as computing bases. The "Artificial Intelligence" sub forum focuses on the academic frontier and technical hot spots of artificial intelligence, and specially invites academic and industrial elites in the fields of intelligent theory, intelligent algorithm, intelligent chip, etc. to speak freely.


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