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Price alert! Driving IC, PMIC and other automotive chips have started to reduce their prices

Time:2022-12-16 Views:1393
    Introduction: The latest news shows that some automotive chips have been lowered recently, including driver IC, PMIC and some control IC; The major LED manufacturers have also lowered their prices since Q4, with an overall average decrease of about 3% - 5%. Even so, according to the latest statistics from industry websites, the proportion of the number of MCU product models rising or falling in the past month was 81:19, and the number of models with rising demand was far greater than the number with declining demand. The short-term demand weakness was alleviated.
    On December 13, according to the Taiwan, China Electronic Times, automotive module manufacturers said that recently some automotive chips have begun to be reduced, including driving IC, PMIC and some control IC; The major LED manufacturers have also lowered their prices since Q4, with an overall average decrease of about 3% - 5%. However, in 2023, the supply satisfaction rate of automotive electronic parts will be only about 80%. The automobile supply chain manufacturer said that IDM factory will still supply automobile chips mainly in the "rationing system" in 2023, which cannot effectively meet the needs of each vehicle customer. The delivery cycle is still more than 16 to 18 weeks, and it is estimated that it may take two years to fully restore the normal supply.
Source: Network
    It is not difficult to find that power management chips, as a large category of analog chips, are benefiting from the rise of new energy industry, especially after the wave of automobile electrification hit, the overall demand shows explosive growth. According to the data previously released by STC, compared with traditional cars, the number of power management chips needed for a new energy car increased by nearly 20% to 50.
    After all, the power management chip can be seen in every part of the electric vehicle. Each domain controller and MCU need the support of the power management chip. Automobiles will become the driving force for the future growth of power management chips. Frost&Sullivan estimates that the global market for automotive power management chips will grow from US $1.7 billion in 2020 to US $2.1 billion in 2025.
    In other words, automobiles are expected to become the largest market segment for domestic substitution after consumer electronics. The report from Tianfeng Securities shows that, driven by electrification and automation, the vehicle field has become the fastest growing field of the entire power IC, with a compound annual growth rate of 9%.
    In addition, Yole predicts that electric vehicles will account for 30% of the automobile market by 2026, and power management chips will further accelerate growth driven by electric vehicles. Yole also predicted that by 2026, all passenger cars and 80% of small commercial vehicles will be equipped with Level1 ADAS at least, which will greatly increase the demand for multi-channel power management chips.
    On the other hand, although the verification of automotive products takes a long time, their life cycle is also long. Therefore, compared with mobile phones, televisions and other consumer products, they have more stable growth characteristics, and their prices and gross margins are also better. In terms of prices, they are about several times more than mobile phones. Therefore, automotive products are one of the product lines that drive IC manufacturers to develop vigorously in recent years.
    According to the data, among the drive IC manufacturers, the proportion of vehicle revenue is generally below 10%. In addition to the strong demand for drive IC, in consideration of cost and design, the vehicle manufacturers adopt TDDI (touch and drive integrated chips) with higher integration. TDDI products like Lianyong and Duntai have entered the supply chain of many car manufacturers.
    On the whole, driving IC manufacturers to face weak consumer demand in the second half of the year, their operation performance was not as strong as that in the first half of the year. This year‘s operation was also much larger than that in the first half of the year. After the price increase bonus, the gross profit margin gradually declined. However, automotive products still maintained a steady growth momentum, which will also be one of the important driving forces to continue to next year.
    Today, according to industry sources, due to the weakening demand for display driven IC (DDI), Nanmao, Qibang and other DDI packaging/testing service providers in Taiwan, China have cut their prices by 3-5%.
    Zheng Shijie, Chairman of Nanmao, said earlier that service providers and packaging material suppliers in Taiwan, China are providing DDI manufacturers with "more flexible" quotations to improve capacity utilization. "The capacity utilization commitment signed with customers is about to expire. Nanmao will provide customers with more flexible quotations in 2023 to improve capacity utilization."
    In addition, according to the latest research report of Omdia, as the demand continues to weaken in the second half of 2022, the demand for driver chips (DDICs) in 2022 will decrease by 12% year-on-year to 7.8 billion. However, thanks to the growth of OLED and vehicle applications, Omdia expects that the demand for DDIC will recover and achieve a year-on-year growth of 3% in 2023.
    Even so, today, according to the statistics of the industry website, the proportion of the number of MCU product models rising and falling in the past month was 81:19, and the number of models with rising demand was far greater than the number with declining demand. The short-term demand weakness was alleviated. According to the data of Qunzi Consulting, the price increase of automotive MCU in 2022Q4 is higher than that in Q3. The increase is between 2% and 5% depending on the degree of material shortage of different models. It is expected that the new energy vehicles will maintain a high growth rate in 2023, which will continue to increase the demand for motor vehicle MCU, and the price of motor vehicle MCU is expected to remain strong.


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