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Gexin, a large semiconductor factory, responds to the recruitment freeze and layoffs: selectively reduce the number of employees

Time:2022-11-17 Views:1534
Source: Home of IT Author: Changhe
    On November 15, it was reported by Economic Observer that GlobalFoundries, a global semiconductor wafer foundry, responded to the rumor of "recruitment freeze and layoff" and said it was initiating a recruitment freeze and taking a series of targeted actions to selectively reduce the number of employees.
     According to the data, there are about 15000 employees worldwide, and the business in China accounts for about 10% of the world. At present, there is no semiconductor production facility in China.
    According to Bloomberg News, on November 11 local time, GCIN announced that it would start layoffs and freeze recruitment, but did not disclose the specific time of layoffs and which departments would be affected. Earlier, Gexin said on the financial report conference call that the company was making plans to reduce the annual operating expenses of 200 million dollars.
    According to the financial report, Gexin‘s revenue in the third quarter was 2.1 billion US dollars (about 15.204 billion yuan), up 22% year on year; The net income was USD 336 million (about RMB 2433 million).
    It is learned that Thomas Caulfield, CEO of Gexin, when talking about the financial data of the third quarter, said that the company "achieved record gross profit, operating profit and net profit", and "we are still expected to achieve strong growth and profit this year."


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