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Intel CEO predicts that the chip shortage will continue until 2024

Time:2022-04-30 Views:2181
Source: interface news

    On April 29, it was reported that the global chip shortage had been publicly stated for many times that it would last for some time. Intel CEO pat Gelsinger, who needed several years to completely solve the problem, said at the earnings analyst teleconference on Thursday local time that the chip shortage challenge would last until at least 2024.

    According to foreign media reports, pat Kissinger said at the conference call of Intel‘s first quarter earnings analysts on Thursday that the shortage of chips led to a loss of $240 billion to the U.S. economy last year. They expect the industry‘s challenges in OEM capacity and tools to last at least until 2024.

    Although the challenge of the chip industry is expected to last at least until 2024, pat Kissinger said that Intel is in a favorable position to deal with this problem, and they are also taking strong measures to deal with this challenge.

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