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Italian French semiconductor reported higher than expected orders and 40% of apple and Tesla came to rush buy

Time:2022-04-29 Views:2183
    On the 27th local time, chip giant Italy France semiconductor announced the first quarter financial report of 2022.

    The company achieved revenue of US $3.546 billion in the current period, with a year-on-year increase of 17.6%, exceeding market expectations; The net profit was US $747 million, a year-on-year increase of 105.1%; The gross profit margin was 46.7%, with a year-on-year increase of nearly 7 percentage points and a month on month increase of 1.5 percentage points.

    According to the specific business lines, the revenue of Q1 automotive products and discrete components was US $1.256 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 20.5% and a month on month increase of 2.5%; The revenue of analog devices, MEMS and sensors
(AMS) was US $1.087 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 0.4% and a month on month decrease of 13.8%. The revenue of MCU and digital IC was US $1.198 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 35.2% and a month on month increase of 12.8%.

    Looking ahead, STMicroelectronics expects that Q2 is expected to achieve a revenue of US $3.75 billion, a month on month increase of 5.8% and a gross profit margin of about 46%. The annual revenue is expected to reach US $14.8 billion to US $15.3 billion.

    In the subsequent teleconference, Jean Marc Chery, CEO of Italian French semiconductor, revealed that according to the sales and operation plan, the company‘s production capacity has been fully saturated this year, with a capacity utilization rate of more than 90%.

    Meanwhile, chip orders have reached a record high, 30% - 30% higher than the company‘s production capacity. The largest customers include apple and Tesla.

    Chery said that although some factories were affected by the epidemic and lost about two weeks of production, STMicroelectronics could transfer production to other factories, and MCU sales performance is expected to exceed market expectations.

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