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What is gallium nitride (GAN)

What is gallium nitride (GAN)

Gallium nitride (GAN) is a very hard and mechanically stable wide band gap semiconductor material. Because of higher breakdown strength, faster switching, highe...

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What are the three poles of MOS tube and the determination method - what is MOS tube? Schematic diagram of MOS tube structure principle (application advantage three pole representation)

What are the three poles of MOS tube and the determination method - what is MOS ...

What are the three poles of MOS transistor and how to judge them The three poles of MOS transistor are g (gate), D (drain) and S (source and). It is required th...

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What is MOS tube? Schematic diagram of MOS tube structure principle (application advantage three pole representation)

What is MOS tube? Schematic diagram of MOS tube structure principle (application...

MOS tube is a metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, or metal insulator semiconductor. The source and drain of MOS transistor can be switched. They ...

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Three methods of accelerating design cycle using brushless DC motor

Three methods of accelerating design cycle using brushless DC motor

The world is committed to reducing power consumption, and the momentum is getting stronger and stronger. Many countries / regions require household appliances (...

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Some characteristics of charging management chip

Some characteristics of charging management chip

When using the non power path architecture, the system input and battery electrode are connected to the same charger output node (as shown in the figure below)....

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Working principle of step-down switching regulator

Working principle of step-down switching regulator

Step down DC / DC conversion is to convert the DC voltage Vin into the desired DC voltage by time dividing it with a switch and smoothing it with inductors and ...

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Understand the on / off principle of MOS transistor

Understand the on / off principle of MOS transistor

Understanding the on / off principle of MOS transistor, you will find that it is more convenient to use PMOS as the upper tube and NMOS as the lower tube. The c...

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Have to look at the whole process of chip manufacturing

Have to look at the whole process of chip manufacturing


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Do you really know the difference between Class A, class B, class AB and class D power amplifiers

Do you really know the difference between Class A, class B, class AB and class D...

Do you know the difference between Class A, class B, class AB and class D power amplifiers? Firstly, according to different amplification types of power amp...

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Common usage of MOSFET tube

Common usage of MOSFET tube

MOS transistors are divided into n-channel and p-channel. Both n-channel and p-channel are enhanced and depleted. The main difference between the depletion type...

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Did you make it? Practical skills of four MOSFET

Did you make it? Practical skills of four MOSFET

MOSFET is a product of the times. With the development of MOSFET technology, especially the emergence of single-chip MOSFET with high current, small package and...

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Basic knowledge of MOS tube (quick start)

Basic knowledge of MOS tube (quick start)

MOS管基本MOS管基本认识(快速入门)Basic knowledge of MOS tube (quick start),G极(gate)—栅极,不用说比较好认 ,S极(source)—源极,不论是P沟道还是N沟道,两根线相交...

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The function of pull-down resistance of triode and MOS transistor

The function of pull-down resistance of triode and MOS transistor

简单讲解一下三极管,如果三极管工作在饱和区(完全导通),Rce≈0,Vce≈0.3V,且这个0.3V,我们就认为它直接接地了。那么就需要让Ib大于等于1mA,若Ib=1mA, Ic=100mA,它...

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Application of capacitive touch chip in capacitive touch key

Application of capacitive touch chip in capacitive touch key


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3 types of frequently asked questions about charging wearable products

3 types of frequently asked questions about charging wearable products

当设计可穿戴式应用时,我们已发现了一些与充电器相关的常见问题。在这里,让我们看一些最常被咨询的问题。 问:哪种线性充电器最适合我的应用? 答:当为特定应用选择合适...

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Application circuit diagram and pin function analysis of 8002B power amplifier

Application circuit diagram and pin function analysis of 8002B power amplifier

本文主要是关于8002b功放的相关介绍,并着重对8002b功放的应用电路图及引脚进行了详尽的阐述。 8002B功放 8002B将会进入关断模式,此时的功耗极低,IQ仅为0.6uA。  8002/8...

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Causes of EMI in class D audio power amplifier IC and PCB layout design reduce the impact of class D amplifier on FM radio / analog TV

Causes of EMI in class D audio power amplifier IC and PCB layout design reduce t...

由于在效率上相对于AB类放大器的巨大优势,D类放大器的应用越来越广泛。根据市场调研机构 Gartner的报告,D类放大器在2006年至2011年之间的复合年成长率将达15.6%,从3.34...

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Class D power amplifier IC board layout guide

Class D power amplifier IC board layout guide


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4890 and 4150,8302 dual layout application reference

4890 and 4150,8302 dual layout application reference

4890和4150,8302双layout应用参考 4890产品有NS4890和XS4890,LM4890 4150产品有XS4150,NS4250,XS8302,CS8302

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How to select a cost-effective motor drive IC chip

How to select a cost-effective motor drive IC chip

如何选型到高性价比的马达驱动IC芯片(Motor drive)?为了让马达实现正反转,此时需要为马达选择适合的马达驱动芯片,主要需要考虑得关键点有以下几个: 1、产品所用到的...

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