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Single Type-C interface rechargeable and dischargeable mobile power solution

Time:2023-10-29 Views:653
    With the popularization and promotion of Type-C, mobile power sources on the market are gradually phasing out the micro USB interface and updating it to Type-C interface. The micro USB interface has been with us for more than ten years since its launch in 2007. Since the Type-C debuted in 2015, micro USB has gradually faded out of our sight, and mobile phone interfaces have gradually replaced Type-C interfaces, and accessories on the market have also begun to support Type-C interfaces.
    Smart devices can be said to have brought tremendous changes to our lives. While entertainment devices are abundant, people also experience charging anxiety. They always worry about running out of battery when going out, so mobile power has effectively filled this gap. When traveling and traveling, it has greatly increased their battery life.
    The old mobile power supply usually had two interfaces, one micro-USB as input and one USB-A motherboard as output. Now Type-C is available, which can have one Type-C interface as input and output, saving space and supporting fast charging. In addition, it also includes magnetic wireless charging, which is small in size and has comprehensive functions.
    The market for power banks has always been in a good trend, as intelligent devices emerge endlessly and have basically unified Type-C interfaces. A single PD power bank can provide power to most devices. Next, let‘s take a look at how a single Type-C interface can achieve charging and discharging? In the PD protocol, devices can be identified through CC communication. When a mobile phone is connected and CC recognizes it as sink insertion, it is discharged to charge the phone; When an adapter is connected and CC recognizes it as a source insertion, it receives power from the adapter.
    We have learned that a PD protocol chip named LDR6035 is designed specifically for single Type-C interface charging and discharging. As a DRP chip, it automatically switches between DFP and UFP in different usage scenarios by identifying the inserted devices through CC communication. This saves the cost of multiple interfaces for mobile power supplies and simplifies product design.
    LDR6035 is a USB-C DRP interface USB PD communication chip developed by Ledrui Technology for Bridge devices in the USB Type-C standard. It can switch the Data Role function and provide it to intelligent devices (computers, tablets, phones) for PDO and REQUEST negotiation, automatically conducting DR_ SWAP switches to UFP mode.
LDR6035 features:
    1. SSOP-16 packaging, peripheral simplification
    2. Supports USB PD 2.0 and is compatible with USB PD 3.0
    3. Provide 5V PDO and REQUEST negotiation for equipment
    4. Automatic DR_ SWAP to UFP mode
Main application scenarios:
    1. USB TYPE-C mobile power supply
    2. USB Type-C smart device
The schematic diagram of the reference scheme is as follows:


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