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How to calculate the current of the three-phase drive chip of a brushless motor

Time:2023-10-25 Views:690
    The current method for the three-phase drive chip of a brushless motor is: I=√ 3 * P/3 * V. According to relevant information, the current method for the three-phase drive chip of a brushless motor is to take I=√ 3 * P/3 * V. P represents the active power of the three-phase motor, while V represents the voltage of the motor without any connection.   
    Three phase motors are commonly used in industrial production, and their operation requires a certain amount of current support. Therefore, understanding the calculation method of three-phase motor current is of great significance for the operation and maintenance of motors in industrial production.
    The current calculation methods for three-phase motors mainly include the following aspects:
    1. Basic concept of three-phase motor current
    The three-phase motor current refers to the current input from the three-phase power supply to the motor, usually represented by I. The three-phase motor current includes two types: three-phase current and line current, where three-phase current refers to the current input from the three-phase power supply to the motor, usually represented by Ia, Ib, and Ic; Line current refers to the current input from a three-phase power supply to a motor, usually represented by I.
    2. Calculation formula for three-phase motor current
    The calculation formula for three-phase motor current is:
    I=P/(3 * U * cos φ)
    Among them, P is the power of the three-phase motor, U is the voltage of the three-phase power supply, cos φ Is the power factor of the three-phase motor.
    3. Calculation steps for three-phase motor current
   The calculation steps for three-phase motor current are as follows:
    (1) The power P of a three-phase motor can usually be determined by the rated power of the motor.
    (2) The voltage U of a three-phase power supply can usually be determined by the rated voltage of the power supply.
    (3) Determine the power factor cos of three-phase motors φ, Usually, it can be determined by the rated power factor of the motor.
    (4) Add P, U, cos φ By substituting it into the calculation formula, the current I of the three-phase motor can be obtained.
    4. Factors affecting the current of three-phase motors
    The current of a three-phase motor is influenced by various factors, mainly including the following aspects:
    (1) Motor power: The higher the power of the motor, the greater the current.
    (2) Voltage of the power supply: The higher the voltage of the power supply, the greater the current.
    (3) Power factor of the motor: The smaller the power factor of the motor, the greater the current.
    (4) Motor load: The larger the motor load, the greater the current.
    5. Application of three-phase motor current
    The application of three-phase motor current mainly includes the following aspects:
    (1) Motor operation: The current of a three-phase motor is a necessary condition for the normal operation of the motor, and calculating the current of the motor can determine whether the motor is operating normally.
    (2) Motor maintenance: By calculating the current of the motor, it is possible to determine whether there is a fault in the motor and carry out timely maintenance and repair.
    (3) Energy saving of motors: By calculating the current of the motor, the power factor of the motor can be determined, and corresponding measures can be taken to improve the power factor of the motor, achieving the goal of energy conservation.
    The calculation method of three-phase motor current is an essential technology in industrial production. By mastering the calculation method of three-phase motor current, it can better ensure the normal operation and maintenance of the motor, and also achieve energy conservation and environmental protection of the motor.
    Author: jdbwadhhl
    Source: Baidu Wenku
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