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3C issues with audio products

Time:2023-06-25 Views:879
1. 3C certification is a type of product safety certification.
    In terms of electrical products, safety is mainly related to products that use 220V power supply, such as power amplifiers, CD players, DVD players, and active speakers in Hi Fi products. If there are quality issues in terms of safety with products using 220V power supply, it may pose a risk to personal safety. Therefore, safety certification is required for products related to electrical safety. Electrical products that require safety certification also include cable products.
2. The safety certification of electrical products has long been in place.
    In the past, there was Great Wall Safety Certification in China, but it was not strictly enforced at that time. Sometimes, people may find that many computer and household appliance products have the Great Wall Safety Certification logo. The security certification implemented this time is managed, labeled, and enforced by relevant national departments.
3. 3C certification is in line with international standards.
    The international safety certification includes CE certification in Europe and UL certification in the United States, and Chinese products entering these regions must also obtain safety certification in that region. Starting from August 1st, imported electrical appliances from abroad must also undergo 3C certification from relevant Chinese departments, and domestic and foreign products will be treated equally. This is in line with the spirit of the WTO.
4. Do all electrical products require 3C certification.
    As mentioned earlier, products with a 220V power supply require certification, while passive products such as headphones and speakers do not require safety certification. Users can purchase with confidence. Which products must undergo safety certification? The country has a detailed catalog.
5. Market norms for 3C certified products.
    3C certification is mandatory in the country, but some products previously imported still have inventory in the market. I am not very clear about whether the country has detailed regulations on the handling methods for these products.. It is estimated that these products will still exist in the short term, but market regulations will definitely be completed quickly.
6. The impact of 3C certification on users and manufacturers.
    Certification is definitely beneficial for users and has little impact on large manufacturers. However, it has a significant impact on Hi Fi products. The production of Hi Fi products is low (low), but there are many varieties and specifications. The certification fee for each product will greatly increase the cost for these product manufacturers. Some Hi Fi imported products have also been significantly affected. And the more cutting-edge products, the greater the impact. For example, the price of Sennheiser‘s top earphone system, Orpheus, is 190000 yuan. As far as I know, there are few (possibly no) products like this in China, and it is almost impossible to import them. For example, when importing a system like this, both a prototype and certification fees must be paid, which will inevitably be added to the cost of the imported product. If only one system is imported, the selling price will definitely double. If 10 units are imported, the cost will increase by more than 10%, so the impact on this type of product is significant.
7. The impact on domestic Hi Fi products.
    Famous domestic manufacturers have no technical issues with 3C certification, and products that have not been certified in the past will not have any problems. In fact, many export products in China have already passed CE or UL certification. I think well-known audio products in China will soon pass 3C certification, and the cost will increase slightly. The future impact will be on the product variety. For example, some products with low output, such as front-end or power amplifiers with balanced LP use, may not be worth investing in for certification due to their low output and may be abandoned.
8. It has little impact on major home appliance manufacturers.
    For large-scale household appliances, the cost of certification is minimal, and many products have already been certified before. So there is almost no impact.


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