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What is the difference between DSP and MCU

Time:2023-01-14 Views:1405
    1) The speed of DSP is faster than MCU, and the main frequency is higher.
    2) DSP is suitable for data processing, and the instruction efficiency of data processing is high.
    3) DSP is more than 16-bit processor, which is not suitable for low-grade occasions.
    4) DSP can handle many events at the same time, and the system-level cost may be low.
    5) DSP has good flexibility, and most algorithms can be implemented by software.
    6) DSP has high integration and good reliability.
What are the characteristics of DSP compared with embedded CPU?
    1) DSP is a single chip computer, and the system is simple. 2) DSP is fast. 3) The cost of DSP is low. 4) DSP has high performance and can handle many tasks.


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