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Analyzing how to select touch interactive devices from a technical perspective

Time:2022-11-07 Views:1618
    Recently, some new voices have been heard, believing that the combination scheme of interactive electronic whiteboard and projector is outdated, not only inferior to the scheme of touch screen, but also inferior to the scheme of interactive projector. We have elaborated on the question of which is better, whiteboard or big screen. Then it is necessary for us to explain the question of whiteboard and interactive projection. The author‘s point of view is very clear - in addition to being slightly more expensive than the interactive projector (hereinafter referred to as IPJ), the solution of whiteboard+projection (hereinafter referred to as IWB) can be said to be a complete winner of IPJ in terms of hardware technology, not to mention a series of software factors such as software, after-sales, training and resources. My reasons are as follows——
1) Stability and maturity
    The world‘s first IWB was launched in the SMART factory in 1991. It has a history of more than 20 years. Millions of teachers and students around the world have proved that the IWB has improved the efficiency of classroom teaching. The IWB has proved to be a stable and reliable product. In the actual application process, the failure rate and repair rate of IWB are controlled at a very low level. Usually, schools do not need much product maintenance after purchasing. On the contrary, the development of IPJ is only a few years, and the number of users is N orders of magnitude different from that of IWB. The maturity and stability of each product requires a lot of user experiments and market accumulation. Even products such as iPhone will encounter a series of events such as paint door, antenna door, etc. Such problems are more common in the interactive field. It took a long time for the infrared whiteboard to solve the problems of positioning drift and solar interference. Therefore, from the perspective of stability and maturity, I do not think it is the best choice to buy IPJ now.
2) Plate material selection
    The manufacturers of interactive whiteboard can be said to have a huge R&D team to do in the selection of board materials. They have very strict requirements on the board surface - the flatness of the board must be good, the hardness must be as high as possible to resist sudden impact from the outside world, the deformation range of the board used for a long time in different temperature and humidity environments should be small, the weight of the board should be as light as possible, and it should be compatible with water-based pen writing, The touch touch should be smooth and non astringent. The surface is not easy to leave fingerprints and other stains, and there should be no solar effect. The board should have a gain effect on the projection picture, and the surface must have a scratch resistant coating. If IPJ is adopted, users will be required to complete this part of work. Our technical team will find it difficult to find such a suitable whiteboard, let alone customize it. And according to the characteristics of the industry, the price of plates that can meet the above conditions is not cheap. If this part of the cost is included, IPJ may not be cheaper than the IWB+general projection scheme.
3) Touch mode
    The vast majority of IPJs on the market can only provide a special writing pen as a touch mode. For IWB, it has become the industry standard to support direct finger touch. You can hardly find any IWB company that can not provide users with direct finger touch solutions. Even Prometheus Whiteboard, which focuses on electromagnetic pen technology, released a touch whiteboard based on capacitance technology two years ago. Why does this happen? Because finger touch is the most direct, convenient and customary touch method for users. Only when a large number of writing operations are involved can people find it more convenient to use the writing pen, and all the remaining operations are based on touch. This is why it is hard for us to imagine the era when mobile phones need a special touch pen for touch control. Nowadays, almost all touch screen phones use a touch screen. Even if they are equipped with writing pens, such as Samsung Galaxy Note series, they are equipped with electromagnetic pens in order to achieve writing operations with pressure pen peaks on the basis of supporting hand touch. Finger touch is a major trend in the touch industry, which is irreversible. However, a series of problems faced by the stylus in the actual installation and use process are far more than the inconvenience of control. The pen is lost, broken, out of power, the pen head is polished, the writing sound on the board is too harsh, and so on. Such problems will be a very realistic problem for IT managers.
4) Touch feel
    To a large extent, the concept of touch is not easy to measure with data, and there are many factors that can affect touch touch. For example, tracking speed, sensing height, interference resistance, touch points, touch mode, false recognition rate, sensing strength, board material, software optimization and other factors can affect the touch feel. Although many user experience indicators are not easy to quantify, as long as they are used in the field for a period of time, I believe most people will get similar answers. This is why today‘s smart phones can make calls, send text messages, open web pages, and chat on WeChat. However, the iPhone has sold more than 5000, while the counterfeit phones with similar screen size and can also be touched only have more than 500 - because their user experience is very different. In the field of IWB, the concept of user experience is also applicable. I believe that users who are used to using IWB such as the SMART Board SBX800 and then use IPJ of any brand will be similar to those who are used to using the iPhone to use counterfeit computers. They can hardly accept the touch and feel of IPJ at all.
5) Appearance design and commissioning difficulty
    All IWB shapes have a fixed number of dimensions, and their height, width and border color are not randomly designed, which should take into account both the applicability of installation in the classroom and the difficulty of image adjustment when the projector itself projects the corresponding size. For example, the SMART integrated projector and the IWB integrated system were considered at the beginning of the design. They not only have a grand and beautiful overall design, Moreover, it has powerful and practical functions (for example, the SBX885ix2 even has an IWB system that can be connected to three computers at the same time. With only one switch button on the ECP panel, the display function and touch function can be switched to different computers synchronously, without any need for re plugging of cables). In the process of debugging, it is also very simple. All problems in one drawing are solved. If IPJ is used, the size, installation height, indoor clearance environment, projector location, and touch positioning of the customized whiteboard are all problems that need to be solved one by one. A little carelessness will lead to endless trouble.
6) Cooperation mode of software and hardware
    Although SMART has also cooperated with Epson and other manufacturers to launch a version of Notebook for BrightLink. However, we must pay attention to the common sense of making software, that is, software running on a specific type of device must be customized and optimized with the device to achieve the optimal effect. In the process of software development, the corresponding interface of hardware must be called to make the software run more smoothly. In the most popular terms, take a SMART IWB and an Epson IJP, run the same version of Notebook software, use the same pen tool to write, and compare the tracking speed and fluency. In the software industry, such examples abound. Android systems with the same kernel are used on mobile phones with similar hardware configurations, and the user experience is completely different - because software and hardware optimization are different; The same Microsoft Office software, Office for Mac 2011 and Office for Windows 2013 are very different, because the optimization research and development efforts invested are different.
    To sum up, every product, technology and solution has its own reason. It is not comprehensive to compare the price and some functions. The purchase of any educational technology equipment is a big problem that affects the growth of a generation. I am not opposed to technological innovation, but I prefer to explore new things. But personally, if I can decide to purchase some type of interactive products, I should start from the actual experience of teachers who deal with these devices every day, and think twice before doing so.


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