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A simple method to completely eliminate the interference of wave noise in radio

Time:2022-07-20 Views:1952
    Now the medium wave receiving environment is getting worse and worse. Ordinary semiconductor radios are used to receive medium waves indoors in cities, and there is strong noise interference in almost all bands. Some strong stations can barely listen, while the weak stations are submerged in the noise, which is unbearable. I really want to break the radio, but I can‘t bear it. The author has a Desheng 9700dx machine, which is reasonably good, but the utilization rate is not high. A few days ago, when the power was cut off at home, I quickly took out 9700dx and adjusted it to medium wave. There was no background noise and the weak platform was clearly visible, which fully showed that the machine was good. Although the signal is not dense, it is also hundreds of times stronger than usual, and the remote platform can also be recognized. I was very happy. Suddenly, there was a call, and the machine made a noise. I couldn‘t listen at all.

    I found a piece of aluminum foil a few days ago. Suddenly, I wonder whether using aluminum foil can shield noise signals. So put the radio in a large piece of aluminum foil and curl it up. It is found that the noise is slightly reduced. Only by completely enclosing the aluminum foil and short circuiting both sides, the noise is greatly reduced, and the useful signal is also greatly attenuated. Connect the aluminum foil to the external long antenna, which has signals but is unstable, and is too sensitive to the human body.

    Find a piece of microwave tin paper and wrap the semiconductor completely, without noise or signal. No noise is good news.

    Find a wire and wind it around the machine for more than ten times, and then connect one end to the external antenna. Then wrap the tin foil all over the machine. So, the signal came, dense, and there was no noise at all, which was similar to the effect of power failure. It was great. The sky tone can be changed, because the signal is too strong, there may be howling. Business opportunities, why not produce this kind of radio with an all metal shielding shell and an external antenna that receives medium waves. There is no noise at all. Maybe it will come out in a few years.

    Annoying medium wave noise interference is easily and completely eliminated. Gently adjust the knob slightly, and weak stations rush to jump out first. This effect is what you dream of. Now it has become a reality. (aluminum foil can make holes in the horn to let the sound come out).

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