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MathWorks joins forces with NVIDIA to accelerate the development of software-defined workflows in medical technology

Time:2024-05-27 Views:152
Source: MathWorks Author: MathWorks
    Beijing, China, May 8, 2024 - MathWorks, the world‘s leading developer of mathematical computing software, today announced the successful integration of MATLAB into the NVIDIA Holoscan platform. Medical device engineers can now wrap existing MATLAB algorithms and functions into GPU-accelerated NVIDIA Holoscan operators for real-time data processing and inference, accelerating the development and deployment of streaming data analysis and visualization applications.
    Medical device engineers must not only adapt to complex and evolving global regulations, but also keep up with rapid technological innovation using cutting-edge materials and electronic components. These conflicting factors have led to many devices approaching obsolescence shortly after they hit the market, giving rise to medical device software (SaMD). The International Forum of Medical Device Regulators defines SaMD as software that is independent of a hardware medical device and capable of achieving one or more medical purposes. To remain competitive in the market after deployment, SaMD products need to be able to integrate additional software capabilities over time, which requires engineers to develop software-defined workflows to support development activities.
    David Niewolny, Director of Medical Technology Business Development at NVIDIA, said: "Artificial intelligence is transforming the medical technology industry. "The collaboration between NVIDIA and MathWorks provides a seamless development experience for the growing MATLAB development community within NVIDIA‘s medical-grade Holoscan platform, accelerating AI innovation in medical technology."
    NVIDIA Holoscan is a sensor processing platform that simplifies the development and deployment of AI and high-performance computing applications for real-time depth information. The platform provides a full-stack infrastructure for software-defined, scalable streaming data processing on edge devices, enabling the latest AI applications in clinical scenarios. With the integration of MATLAB and Holoscan, medical device engineers will be able to implement image and signal processing, filtering, transformation, and deep learning algorithms using existing built-in matrix operations and complex toolbox functions. Implementing the Holoscan pipeline with MATLAB requires four steps: Creating a MATLAB function, using the GPU Coder? Generate accelerated CUDA code, create a Holoscan operator wrapper, and recompile the Holoscan application with the new MATLAB operator. This makes it possible to create a fully functional software-defined workflow for medical devices. The additional verification and validation capabilities integrated with MATLAB and Holoscan enable the development of software-defined workflows in compliance with industry regulations and standards, including IEC 62304.
Figure note: The steps of implementing Holoscan platform with MATLAB
    David Rich, Director of product marketing at MathWorks, said: "Engineers can now write MATLAB functions and execute those functions thousands of times faster with NVIDIA Holoscan. Our millions of customers urgently seek to comply with industry regulations and standards while designing, developing and testing their products, so our collaboration with industry leaders like NVIDIA will undoubtedly drive medical device innovation."
    For more information about the benefits of MATLAB integration with Holoscan, please visit the following links:
About MathWorks
    MathWorks is the world‘s leading developer of mathematical computing software. The company‘s MATLAB, known as "the language of scientists and engineers," is a programming environment that integrates algorithm development, data analysis, visualization and numerical computation. Simulink is a modular modeling environment for simulation and model-based design of multi-domain and embedded engineering systems. These products serve engineers and scientists around the world, helping them accelerate the pace of invention, innovation and development in the automotive, aerospace, communications, electronics, industrial automation and other industries. MATLAB and Simulink products are essential teaching and research tools for many of the world‘s top universities and academic institutions. MathWorks was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Natick, Massachusetts, USA, with more than 6,000 employees in 34 locations worldwide. For more information, visit


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