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The global semiconductor market will grow by 20% this year, and the memory chip market will rise by 52.5%!

Time:2024-04-09 Views:247
Source: Core Intelligence
    On March 7, according to the forecast data of market research firm IDC, the global semiconductor market revenue is expected to rebound to $630.2 billion this year, an increase of 20%. Among them, the memory chip market will grow the strongest, up to 52.5%; Data center chips followed with a 45.4 percent year-on-year increase.
    In the "Global Semiconductor 2024 Market Outlook online seminar" held by IDC, Mario Morales, vice president of IDC Global Semiconductor Research Group, said that the semiconductor market capacity utilization rate is gradually improving, the end of 2023 long-term inventory adjustment, key needs to return to stable balanced supply.
    Morales pointed out that global semiconductor revenue in 2023 was $525.1 billion, a decrease of 12.1% year-on-year, and with the elimination of industrial inventory adjustment problems and the recovery of the memory market, global semiconductor revenue is expected to recover to $630.2 billion in 2024, an increase of 20%, and will grow by 14.4% in 2025.
    Morales said that driven by artificial intelligence (AI) devices, computing infrastructure, automobiles, high bandwidth memory (HBM) and small chips (Chiplet), global semiconductor revenue is expected to approach $1 trillion in 2029 and grow to more than $1 trillion in 2032.
    From the specific market segments, the storage chip market is expected to rise 52.5% year-on-year this year, the data center market will also rise 45.4% year-on-year, the communications market will grow 13.5% year-on-year, the Internet of Things market will grow 6.8% year-on-year, and the automotive market will grow 6.5% year-on-year.
    Morales said that the primary goal of memory chip suppliers to make profits is to drive memory chip prices to recover, and the memory chip market is expected to rise 57.3% this year, and is expected to grow 13.8% in 2025.
    Morales pointed out that AI infrastructure investment will grow rapidly, with a compound growth rate of 35.7% from 2022 to 2027. After higher enterprises begin to adopt AI, PC and smartphone sales will also grow steadily.
    As for the Chinese market, Mr. Morales said it remained weak in the first half. In addition, geopolitical risks will also pose risks to the Chinese supply chain and global semiconductor revenue growth.


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