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Murata Inductor Factory, suspended until May

Time:2024-02-26 Views:356
Source: Semiconductor Industry Observation
    Passive component leader Murata announced on its Chinese website the resumption of work in 13 production factories in Japan after the earthquake. Among them, 11 factories have gradually resumed operation, and only WAKURA Murata has confirmed the resumption of work schedule. The production of inductors will be suspended for more than four months, and it is expected to resume production in mid May.
    Murata is a global leader in passive component manufacturing, with a global market share of 31% for laminated ceramic capacitors (MLCC). The industry points out that the production capacity of MLCC is not at the epicenter, and for MLCC, which has the largest usage of various terminal devices, it has been limited by the impact of the Nedeng Peninsula earthquake. Murata has also announced the resumption of factory work in Japan on its Chinese official website.
    According to Murata‘s announcement of the resumption of work progress for 13 factories, 11 of them have resumed work in an orderly manner. The latest resumption of work for the Bingjian Murata Production Office will be in early February; The only two factories that have not yet resumed work include the WAKURA Murata Production Office (translated as Wakura Production Office in Chinese) and the Cave Water and Electricity Sensor Factory. The resumption time of the WAKURA Murata Production Office is still to be confirmed, while the Cave Water and Electricity Sensor Factory will be shut down for more than four months. It is expected to resume production in mid May. Once production resumes and is ready, it will immediately start shipping in sequence.
    Due to the prolonged shutdown time of the Dengshui Inductor Factory, domestic Qilixin and Taiqingke have received inquiries from customers. However, domestic manufacturers have also pointed out that due to the high degree of customization of inductors, in addition to seeking alternative materials from the Taiwan factory, they can also coordinate the supply of goods with Murata Philippines factory and another Japanese company, Sun Power.
    Murata issued a statement earlier stating that after the Neng Teng Peninsula earthquake, the company conducted an investigation into all factories in the disaster area and confirmed that one employee died in the earthquake. In addition, the Xueshui Inductor Factory suffered huge losses due to the earthquake. Apart from some employees being injured, damage to factory equipment and power outages in the factory area have hindered production and shipment.
    The Xueshui Electric Power Plant mainly produces chip inductors and common mode inductor coils. This earthquake caused supply disruptions to the DLW-P and LQH series products. Murata said that the Dongshui Inductor Factory was severely damaged due to its proximity to the epicenter and is expected to not resume production until mid May. Therefore, he suggested that customers temporarily switch to third-party suppliers for orders.
Progress in More Factories
    Sanken Electric updated the status of its subsidiary Ishikawa Sanken‘s three factories on January 17 and January 22, and stated that the professional safety inspection plan for each factory‘s buildings will be completed within a week. The company also plans to resume some production processes in 2020. In early February, the Hori Matsu and Nengten factories were established.
    In addition, the Shiga factory, which is closer to the epicenter, has been experiencing continuous power outages. However, through cooperation with the power company, power has been restored, but it will take some time for production to resume. At the same time, it has been decided to change some products produced in the same factory to be produced in the Horizumi factory.
    Toshiba Devices and Storage Systems updated the recovery status information of its subsidiary, Kaga Toshiba Electronics, on January 19th, stating that it expects to complete the repair of the cleanroom exhaust pipeline and other work on its main line by the end of January at the latest. In order to restore production capacity close to pre disaster levels, we are continuing to carry out the restoration work of the main line, with the goal of early February, and the goal for other lines is also mid February.


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