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Hesai Technology‘s monthly delivery of LiDAR has exceeded 50000 units

Time:2024-02-06 Views:399
Source: Xinzhixun
    On January 3, 2024, Hesai Technology officially announced that in December 2023, Hesai Technology‘s laser radar delivery volume successfully exceeded the 50000 unit mark, becoming the first company in the global car mounted laser radar industry to deliver over 50000 units in a single month.
    Hesai Technology stated that in 2022, the company‘s in vehicle LiDAR officially began large-scale production and rapidly ramped up in 2023. Currently, with the rapid development of new energy vehicles in intelligent driving, the demand for LiDAR in the automotive industry has greatly increased. As early as September 2022, Hesai delivered over 10000 units in a single month, successfully firing the first shot in front-end production and becoming the world‘s first car mounted LiDAR company to deliver over 10000 units in a month. In December of the same year, Hesai completed the cumulative delivery of its 100000th LiDAR, topping the global LiDAR annual production championship. One year later, Hesai achieved a cumulative delivery volume of over 300000 units, once again becoming the world‘s first vehicle mounted LiDAR company to achieve this milestone.
    Since mass production and delivery in 2022, the AT128 LiDAR has enabled multiple passenger car models such as the Ideal L series, HiPhi Z, and Lotus Eletre to be launched, and the products have been successfully validated in the market. In addition, Xiaomi‘s upcoming SU7 will also use Hesai Technology‘s LiDAR.
    At present, the Hesai LiDAR has reached the level of over 100000 units. Over the past year, Hesai LiDAR has undergone various rigorous tests in the actual usage scenarios of car owners.
    Hesai Technology stated that in the future, it will continue to uphold the concept of innovation and quality first, continuously promote the progress and popularization of LiDAR technology, and become a standard configuration for all intelligent vehicles.


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