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CEO of micron, HBM capacity in 2024 has been sold out

Time:2024-01-15 Views:528
Source: smart core
    On December 25, according to foreign media Barron‘s report, when micron published its financial report last week, CEO Sanjay Mehrotra of micron revealed that thanks to the popularity of generative AI, micron‘s HBM capacity in 2024 is expected to be fully sold out due to the strong demand for high bandwidth memory (HBM) on high-performance AI chips in the cloud.
    Meguiar pointed out that hbm3e designed for AI and supercomputers is expected to be mass produced in early 2024 and is expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue in fiscal 2024. Mehrotra told analysts, "from January to December 2024, Meguiar HBM is expected to be sold out.".
    Meguiar also believes that PCs and mobile devices that can perform AI tasks at terminals have great potential for memory chips. Mehrotra predicts that after two years of double-digit decline, PC shipments are expected to grow by 1% to 5% in 2024. He believes that PC manufacturers will expand the production of AI PCs in the second half of 2024. Each of these PCs needs an additional 4-8gb DRAM, and the demand for solid state drives (SSDs) will also rise.
    Mehrotra also said that in the long run, the main battlefield of many popular generative AI programs will be smartphones, and Meguiar‘s product portfolio is expected to seize this potential opportunity in the memory and storage market. Meguiar plans to increase its capital expenditure in fiscal 2024, but the top management promises to be "extremely disciplined".


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