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Pingtouge‘s first SSD main control chip, Zhenyue 510, has been released and will be the first to be deployed in Alibaba Cloud data centers

Time:2023-11-05 Views:612
    At the 2023 Yunqi Conference, Alibaba Pingtouge released its first SSD main control chip, Zhenyue 510, which is deeply customized for cloud computing scenarios and achieves 4 μ S ultra low latency, reduced by more than 30% compared to the mainstream in the industry, with a bit error rate as low as 10 ^ -18, leading by an order of magnitude compared to the industry benchmark. Zhenyue 510 will be the first to be deployed in Alibaba Cloud data centers and can be applied in business scenarios such as AI, online transactions, big data analysis, high-performance databases, and software defined storage.
    Like CPU, SSD is the core component of computer systems, and the main control chip serves as the "brain" of SSD, responsible for core tasks such as host interaction, protocol parsing and execution, data reading and writing, data error correction, and data management. It not only directly affects the performance of the entire system, but also ensures the security and stability of business. The Zhenyue 510 integrates multiple innovative technologies, using a flat headed Ge self-developed chip architecture and a RISC-V architecture of the Xuantie 910 multi-core CPU system. It is equipped with a large number of self-developed hardware acceleration modules, effectively balancing performance and power consumption; In terms of memory and interface, it supports the industry‘s leading DDR5 and PCIe 5.0 technologies, significantly improving the data throughput rate of the chip; In terms of reliability, through self-developed LDPC error correction algorithm and dielectric voltage prediction algorithm, the error rate is one order of magnitude ahead of the industry benchmark. The chip has also been deeply optimized for cloud computing scenarios, and is closely integrated with cloud storage software systems to effectively reduce data read and write latency, bringing higher performance to the system. For example, the Zhenyue 510 not only supports NVMe‘s queue level scheduling mechanism, but also implements a more refined and flexible IO level scheduling mechanism. Combined with cloud storage systems, it can better meet the needs of delay sensitive IO scenarios. Ping Tou Ge‘s product director Zhou Guanfeng said, "Computing power, network power, and storage power jointly build the foundation of cloud computing. Computing power and network have achieved rapid evolution in the past few years, and storage technology represented by SSD must also be integrated and designed with cloud computing software systems to bring better storage experiences to enterprise users." In the past five years, Ping Tou Ge has launched multiple computing power chips, Its cloud native processor chip, Yitian 710, has been deployed on a large scale in Alibaba Cloud data centers, with a cost performance improvement of over 30% in computing power. It has served thousands of customers in e-commerce, short video, online education, and other fields. The launch of the Zhenyue 510 means that Pingtou Ge‘s chip product family has expanded from computing power to storage power, further providing a cost-effective technology base for the cloud computing industry.



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