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The Third China Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Conference and IC Application Expo Held

Time:2023-07-18 Views:805
    On July 13th, the 3rd China Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Conference and IC Application Expo (ICDIA 2023) was held with the theme of "Application Leading High Quality Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry". Qiu Gang, Deputy Director of the Major Special Projects Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Yang Xiaoping, Second Level Inspector of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Zhou Wendong, Vice Mayor, Wei Shaojun, Chief Technical Engineer of National 01 Special Projects, Chairman of the China Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Alliance, and Professor of Tsinghua University, Vice Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of the High tech Zone, Vice Secretary of the Xinwu District Committee and District Mayor Zhang Jinwei, and District leaders Gu Guodong and Liu Cheng participated in relevant activities.
    Yang Xiaoping stated in his speech that the provincial party committee and government regard accelerating the development of the integrated circuit industry as an important support for the high-quality development of Jiangsu‘s manufacturing industry. Through external introduction and internal training, leveraging comparative advantages, and increasing innovation efforts, the integrated circuit industry has shown a rapid development trend. Next, Jiangsu will continue to take promoting the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry as an important measure to achieve new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, and demonstrate new achievements in strengthening, supplementing, and extending the chain. Focusing on major national decisions and deployments, Jiangsu will adhere to independent control, cultivate internal skills, and reflect its "Jiangsu responsibility" in the innovative layout of the national integrated circuit industry; Focusing on the advantageous areas of Jiangsu, accelerating the research of key core technologies in the industry, further enhancing the international competitiveness of the industry, and demonstrating the "Jiangsu as a". The Provincial Department of Science and Technology will also attach great importance to the technological innovation of Wuxi‘s integrated circuit industry, fully leverage the traction and driving role of science and technology plan projects, and assist Wuxi in building a new highland for national integrated circuit innovation and development.
    Zhou Wendong stated in his speech that after more than half a century of careful cultivation, integrated circuits have become a "landmark industry" and "shining business card" in Wuxi, with a prominent industrial position, a combination of high peaks and high plateaus, and a rich industrial ecology. Next, with the strong support of the China Integrated Circuit Innovation Alliance, Wuxi will focus on building strong industrial clusters and continuously improving industrial competitiveness; Efforts will be made to create advantageous products and continuously expand new markets and spaces for the development of integrated circuits; Gather potential to conserve and develop ecology, promote orderly flow of factors, efficient allocation of resources, and organic integration of the market; Implement service guarantees through synergy, and create a new win-win situation that is more conducive to project implementation, technical cooperation, and industrial development.
    Wei Shaojun stated in his speech that the city of Wuxi has deep roots and emotions with integrated circuit design, and this is also the second year that Wuxi has held the Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Conference. Integrated circuit design is an industry driven by innovation, closely related to applications, and also the integrated circuit segment closest to the market. We must always remember that applications are an important driving force, keep up with applications, serve the market well in the development process, maintain innovation awareness, and dare to be the first in the world; We need to have a solid technical foundation, moving from passive division of labor to proactive action. Wuxi has a good industrial ecology and strong policy support guarantee. It is comprehensively building a technology innovation system with enterprises as the main body, market orientation, and deep integration of industry, academia, and research. We believe that the integrated circuit industry in Wuxi will inevitably usher in new development and breakthroughs under the working environment of policy coordination, upper and lower linkage, and resource integration.
    Zhang Jinwei is promoting the integrated circuit industry in Wuxi High tech Zone. He stated that as a national level high-tech zone and an important economic growth pole in the city, Wuxi High tech Zone is committed to strengthening "core", creating "core" leadership, bravely becoming the main force in the development of integrated circuits, building a systematic layout of integrated circuits, creating the optimal ecosystem for integrated circuit development, and making every effort to create the prominent "golden signboard" of integrated circuit landmark industry. Facing the future, Wuxi High tech Zone will highlight the themes of innovation and application, and continuously enhance its core competitiveness; Establish a leading enterprise ecosystem and focus on creating industrial clusters; Run out of silicon based optoelectronic acceleration and seize a new development track in the future; Create a first-class business environment, write a new chapter of win-win cooperation, and build a world-class integrated circuit industry cluster.
    The Wuxi High tech Zone has signed contracts with 8 key projects, highlighting the strategic direction of the development of the integrated circuit industry in the zone, and effectively empowering the high-quality development of the integrated circuit design industry in Wuxi.
    The core team of the project signed this time is "high-level", mostly from top domestic research institutes and internationally renowned leading enterprises, with core personnel having more than 10 years of product design and development experience. In the field of chip applications, there is a "race track fever". In addition to being applied in the field of high-end analog power devices, various projects also focus on current industry hotspots such as high-speed transmission, high-performance storage, and AI computing power acceleration. The product design process is "process refined", and the accelerator XPU chip project adopts international advanced high process characteristic technology research and development design, striving to achieve independent and controllable technology. The landing and development of enterprises have great potential, and the landing projects are basically positioned in the core product research and development department, operation headquarters, and listed financing entities, with huge potential for subsequent development.
    After the opening ceremony, the attending leaders also visited the IC Application Expo.
    At the summit forum, a group of industry experts and enterprise representatives, including Ye Tianchun, Chief Technical Engineer of the National 02 Special Project, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the China Integrated Circuit Innovation Alliance, and Yin Shouyi, Vice Dean of the School of Integrated Circuits at Tsinghua University, delivered keynote speeches.
    As an important platform for promoting "innovation" and "application" in the field of integrated circuits in China, the China Integrated Circuit Design Innovation Conference and IC Application Expo (ICDIA) is committed to promoting IC design and chip application, promoting the supply and demand integration of chips and system equipment, and achieving mutual development between chip enterprises and whole machine enterprises. This year‘s ICDIA lasts for 2 days, including 1 summit forum, 8 thematic sub forums, and 1 on-site exhibition. The conference invited experts, scholars, and industry elites from all walks of life to give special reports on different themes, bringing a feast that focuses on cutting-edge technology, professional knowledge, and industry dynamics.
    The offline exhibition at the venue also attracted over 80 leading companies from around the world in the field of integrated circuits to participate. Among them, the Wuxi National "Core Fire" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base (Platform) showcases the development history and platform construction of the integrated circuit industry in Wuxi. Eight high-tech zone integrated circuit design enterprises, including Boyue Microelectronics, Micro Nano Core Core, and Jianxin, appeared at the exhibition, showcasing the "core" style of Wuxi High tech Zone.

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