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Tucson will test removing human drivers from autonomous trucks in China in the future

Time:2023-07-01 Views:834
    TuSimple, an autonomous truck company, successfully completed a fully autonomous semi trailer operation on public roads in China last week, with no one inside and no human intervention during the driving process. This is the second time TuSimple has withdrawn drivers from operations on public roads. The first time was in December 2021, along an 80 mile surface street and highway between an oil depot in Tuscan, Arizona and a distribution center in Phoenix.
    Although the operation was successful, TuSimple did not attempt to retest in the United States.
    According to TuSimple, the test in China was completed by an independent truck of TuSimple on a public road approved by the Shanghai Municipal Government, including Yangshan Port Logistics Park and Donghai Bridge. This is a distance of approximately 40 miles, during which trucks must travel in urban and highway environments, as well as under various weather conditions, including traffic lights, on ramps, off ramps, lane changes, emergency lane vehicles, partial lane closures, heavy fog, and crosswind.
    TuSimple did not respond to any questions raised about whether the system is capable of 100% autonomous navigation or whether there are any issues during operation, nor did it mention why it has never attempted another driver exit operation in the United States, nor did it plan to test more fully autonomous operations in the near future.
    The move in China further indicates that TuSimple has decided to retain its Asia focused business. Due to reviews by US regulatory agencies, TuSimple has been considering selling its Chinese business unit, but after some internal management adjustments, including several executive adjustments, the company stated in May that it will retain the unit. In recent months, TuSimple has gone through multiple rounds of layoffs, with most of the employees being laid off in the United States.
    Earlier this month, TuSimple began testing its autonomous trucks in Japan, marking further investment in the Asian market.
    The company‘s stock jumped 11% after the announcement on Thursday, but has since fallen back. TuSimple is currently facing the issue of delisting from NASDAQ due to its failure to submit its final two quarters of results on time. The hearing is scheduled for June 22nd.


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