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Pull black,this chip! Rumor has it that the United States is considering implementing new restrictions on chip exports to China

Time:2023-06-29 Views:846
Source: Huaqiang Microelectronics Author: June
    The latest news is that the United States is considering implementing new restrictions on the export of artificial intelligence chips to China, according to foreign media citing sources familiar with the matter. In fact, American chip manufacturers such as Nvidia, Micron and AMD are caught in the crossfire between China and the Biden government.
    Last September, Nvidia said that US officials asked the company to stop exporting two top computing chips for AI work to China. Nvidia responded by producing an AI chip called A800 for the Chinese market, whose performance is lower than the threshold specified by the Ministry of Commerce. This chip replaces the A100, which is widely used for artificial intelligence calculations in data centers.
    According to insiders, the new restrictions being considered by the department will even prohibit the sale of A800 chips without permission. Nvidia declined to comment, and AMD did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
    It is reported that some insiders have stated that the US government is still considering restricting the leasing of cloud services to Chinese artificial intelligence companies, which use such arrangements to evade the export ban on advanced chips.
    The launch date of this rule is still uncertain as chip manufacturers continue to urge the government to abandon or relax new restrictions. According to a person familiar with the matter, the government may wait until Minister Janet Yellen visits China in early July before taking action to avoid angering Beijing.


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