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Multiple power outages in Vietnam‘s industrial parks may affect the production capacity of major factories

Time:2023-06-24 Views:875
    According to overseas media reports, due to Vietnam being hit by a heatwave, electricity consumption has surged, making the power system difficult to load. The government is shutting down some public lighting, reducing electricity usage in government offices, and calling on factories to switch their operating hours to non peak electricity usage periods to maintain the operation of the power system. Multiple companies have agreed to reduce electricity consumption as much as possible.
    According to Taiwanese media reports, the northern industrial zones in Vietnam will be forced to have power outages in different regions. Local officials have stated that several industrial zones in Beining and Beijiang provinces continue to face the risk of power outages, with Foxconn, Samsung, Lixun, Canon, and others having factories in these two provinces. The local power supply is hindered, which will to some extent affect the production capacity of these factories.
    What makes industrial enterprises most dissatisfied is that power outages in Vietnam do not always follow the schedule. The European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam stated on Monday that it has written to the Vietnamese Ministry of Commerce, requesting the prompt resolution of "frequent and asymptomatic power outages". The Vice Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Jean Jacques Bouflet, stated that Vietnam needs to find countermeasures as soon as possible and take emergency measures before its reputation as a reliable global manufacturing hub is damaged.
    Due to weak demand in major export markets, Vietnam‘s economic growth rate decreased from 5.9% in the fourth quarter of last year to 3.3% in the first quarter of this year. Frequent power outages during peak summer electricity usage may jeopardize measures to prevent economic slowdown.
    Regarding this situation, Vietnam‘s Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Do Thang Hai, stated over the weekend that the government has requested relevant institutions to increase production of coal and natural gas. According to media reports, the Government of Vietnam is busy looking for ways to increase power supply, such as quickly approving completed renewable energy projects or importing liquefied natural gas.


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