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Institution: Component sales sentiment declined in April, but sales prospects will improve in May

Time:2023-05-09 Views:999
Source: Mantianxin
    According to the April ECST survey results released by ECIA, the overall sales sentiment of components decreased by 1.9 points compared to March, marking the second consecutive month of slight decline. However, the outlook for May is much brighter as expectations jump above 99, almost approaching the critical point between a decline and improved sales.
    This encouraging outlook may provide an early indicator that the market may see an improvement in year-on-year performance by the end of 2023.
    In April, the passive component sentiment index performed the strongest with a score of 94. The encouraging news is that the monthly forecast for passive sales sentiment in May will enter the positive field, with an expected 104.5, much higher than 100.
    The sales sentiment of electromechanical components slightly decreased in April, but is expected to rebound strongly in May, rising by 9 points to reach 98.5.

    Compared to other major categories, the April sales sentiment of semiconductors showed a sharp contrast, with the index falling below 77. Three out of four semiconductor segments reported a sharp decline in April. Only ‘discrete‘ semiconductors have shown improved results. However, there is still hope, with the semiconductor outlook jumping by more than 17 points in May, reaching over 94. The expectations for May show that three out of the four semiconductor sub markets have shown strong improvement. Only the MCU/MPU subcategory is expected to decline in May.
     The end market results are also encouraging, with strong performance in April and an index outlook of over 100 in May. In the outlook for May, it is predicted that the sentiment index in the automotive, industrial, aerospace, and medical sectors will exceed 100.


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