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Intel CEO Pat Kissinger: Responsible AI will promote human progress

Time:2023-02-18 Views:1224
    Author: Pat Kissinger, CEO of Intel
    Fifty-five years ago, a conscious supercomputer said a word that made millions of movie audiences shudder:
    "I‘m sorry, Dave. I‘m afraid I can‘t do that."
    In the dystopian sci-fi film "2001: A Space Odyssey" (2001: A Space Odyssey) directed by Stanley Kubrick, the transformation of AI as a plot turning point is very interesting. Although the reality is much more ordinary, it is also crucial. We must ensure that AI technology is developed in a responsible manner. Industry and global leaders must work together. When technology progress is in the early stage, they can create new possibilities together to stimulate the best of our humanity and shape the future technology.
    AI has spurred global change and provided us with powerful tools. It is expected to create a responsible, inclusive and sustainable future. We use the power of artificial intelligence to deal with major global challenges such as epidemics, natural disasters and global public health. We are developing AI functions and solutions to enhance human potential, enhance inclusiveness and improve accessibility for the disabled.
    When creating new things, we have the responsibility to ask ourselves: "Am I making society better or worse?" If technology cannot be proved to be good, then our work is still incomplete. Only when the application of AI is significant and its repetition is superior to any non-AI experience can it become a new standard.
    When introducing new technologies, especially AI, we must have a scientific and data base and guide the whole process through governance. In its early stage, neutral technology and negative technology are similar. In the past few years, we have experienced major challenges, which also shows how easy our world is to slide to the other extreme. We cannot let ourselves blindly follow the wanton development of economic and algorithmic innovation, nor blindly pursue indicators such as click-through rate or website dwell time. Technology must constantly show results that exceed the existing human level, while improving people‘s experience.
    When we talk about innovation, the key is not whether we can do it, but why. AI has been helping people to complete the work that traditional computing is difficult to perform. Machines will soon make more decisions than humans. As human beings, our responsibility is to ensure that the decisions made by these machines are better and more ethical through the use of rigorous, collaborative and multidisciplinary peer review process throughout the life cycle of AI development, and to establish a diversified development team to reduce bias. We must also recognize that the development of AI technology is accompanied by potential ethical and human rights risks, and there has been a competition between positive and negative results.
    We can reduce the potential harmful use of AI, and we can also foresee that when technology is both a problem and a solution, the law of unintended consequences will take effect.
    Technology itself is neutral, and we must constantly shape it into a force for good. The scientific and technological community must become an example for all walks of life in making breakthroughs in systems enhanced by AI technology. If built and used in a responsible way, AI will create prosperity and enrich people‘s lives.
    The future of mankind will also become better.


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