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Research institutions: global smartphone shipments in Q4 in 2022 will be reduced by 17 to 311 million units annually, and it is estimated to be revised down to 1.19 billion units in 2023

Time:2023-01-29 Views:1286
Source: IT Home Author: Xiao Gongzi
    On January 4, according to the latest report of DIGITIMES, most countries around the world will still suffer from high inflation in the second half of 2022. The rise of interest rates in the United States will lead to the appreciation of the dollar and reduce the purchasing power of consumers outside the United States. In addition, the overall global economic outlook and confidence continue to decline, and consumers‘ willingness to buy new machines continues to decline. According to research statistics and estimates, the shipments of smart phones in the third and fourth quarters of 2022 will be 277 million and 311 million, both showing a double-digit annual decline. Compared with the forecast in October, DIGITIMES lowered its global smartphone shipments in 2022 and 2023 to 1.165 billion and 1.191 billion units, with a decrease of about 11 million and 12 million units.
    In terms of the domestic smartphone market, compared with the forecast in September, DIGITIMES reported that the shipments in the third and fourth quarters of 2022 would be reduced to 58.4 million and 61.7 million units, with an annual decrease of 20.5% and 24.3%.
    It is learned that in terms of global 5G mobile phone shipments, compared with the 610 million expected in October, the DIGITIMES report lowered the shipment in 2022 to 595 million units, mainly due to the decrease of about 10 million units from domestic and foreign markets compared with the previous estimate; The estimated global 5G mobile phone shipments in 2023 will be revised down to 740 million units.


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