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The target is that the revenue will exceed 250 billion yuan in 2025! Shenzhen‘s integrated circuit industry plan is expected to be released in the near future

Time:2022-12-31 Views:1372
    Introduction: According to the latest news, the Shenzhen Action Plan for Fostering and Developing Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Clusters (2022-2025) is expected to be officially released in the near future. Since 2022, Shenzhen has frequently introduced policies conducive to the development of electronic information industry. Relying on a strong foundation of electronic information manufacturing industry, not only the component industry has become the focus of attention, but also the semiconductor and integrated circuit industry in Shenzhen is developing rapidly under the favorable policies, forming an influential industrial cluster.
    On December 30, it was reported that leaders from the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission and others, when attending the 2022 China (Shenzhen) Integrated Circuit Summit, introduced that the Action Plan of Shenzhen for Fostering and Developing Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Clusters (2022-2025), which is expected to be officially released in the near future, was solicited for comments.
    It is reported that the Plan proposes to focus on six districts of Nanshan, Futian, Bao‘an, Longhua, Longgang and Pingshan to form a spatial layout of "silicon base in the east, compound in the west and design in the middle". It is planned that the industrial revenue will exceed 250 billion yuan in 2025.
    According to statistics, in 2022, Shenzhen‘s IC revenue will be about 157.84 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of about 6.6%. Among them, the design and manufacturing sectors will decline year-on-year, while the material sales revenue will increase by 17.5% year-on-year.
Source: Network
    In June this year, Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, and Shenzhen State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission issued the Shenzhen Action Plan for Fostering and Developing Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industrial Clusters (2022-2025). It is proposed that:
    1. By 2025, the industrial revenue will exceed 250 billion yuan, forming more than three design enterprises with a revenue of more than 10 billion yuan and a batch of design enterprises with a revenue of more than 1 billion yuan, introducing and cultivating three manufacturing enterprises with a revenue of more than 2 billion yuan, significantly improving the level of the integrated circuit industry, and making the industrial structure more reasonable.
    2. Focus on breaking through the design of high-end general-purpose chips such as CPU, GPU, DSP, FPGA, and layout the development of special chips such as artificial intelligence chips and edge computing chips. Guided by 5G communication industry, we will comprehensively break through core chips such as RF front-end chips, baseband chips and optoelectronic chips.
    3. Focus on intelligent "terminals" and other pan Internet of Things applications, and promote the rapid industrialization of ultra-low power consumption special chips and NB IoT chips. Focusing on emerging industries such as smart cars, actively cultivate upstream chip supply chains such as laser radar.
    According to the data, since 2022, Shenzhen has frequently introduced policies conducive to the development of the electronic information industry. Relying on a strong foundation of the electronic information manufacturing industry, not only the component industry has become the focus of attention, but also the semiconductor and integrated circuit industries in Shenzhen are developing rapidly under the favorable policies, forming an influential industrial cluster.
    In May this year, the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission released the List of Major Projects in Shenzhen in 2022, including more than ten major semiconductor related projects.
    In June 2022, Shenzhen released the Shenzhen Action Plan for Fostering and Developing Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Clusters (2022-2025), which proposed that by 2025, Shenzhen would build an influential semiconductor and integrated circuit industry cluster, with industrial revenue exceeding 250 billion yuan, more than three design enterprises with revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan and a batch of manufacturing enterprises with revenue exceeding 1 billion yuan, and introduce and cultivate three manufacturing enterprises with revenue exceeding 2 billion yuan.
    In October, the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission issued the Shenzhen Measures for Promoting the High Quality Development of the Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry (Draft for Comments) again, which clearly proposed that the core links of the industrial chain should be comprehensively improved, the basic support links should be accelerated, the industrial development momentum should be strengthened, and the high-quality talent security system should be established to comprehensively cultivate and develop the development of Shenzhen Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Industry Group from multiple levels, Deepen the support of funds, platforms, policies, talents, industrial parks and other aspects.
    In November, Nanshan District of Shenzhen issued the Special Support Measures for Nanshan District to Promote the High Quality Development of Integrated Circuit Industry, which includes policies such as the introduction of high-level professionals, innovation and entrepreneurship team projects, purchase of core equipment, key technology breakthrough, EDA/IP purchase, EDA research and development, streaming services, chip initial purchase and use, loan discount, entrepreneurship financing, etc.
    It is not difficult to find that Shenzhen has always attached great importance to the development of the electronic information industry, and has taken accelerating the development of the electronic information industry as an important starting point for promoting the strategic adjustment of industrial upgrading. With the implementation of policies and the gradual implementation of key projects, it is believed that Shenzhen‘s electronic information industry will enter a new stage and play a leading role in industrial development.


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