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Gartner: The largest decline of global semiconductor market size in 2003 was 3.6

Time:2022-12-05 Views:1438
Source: Home of IT Author: Gu Yuan
    On November 29, according to the latest report released by Gartner, a market research organization, the global semiconductor market will grow by 26.3% in 2021, and the growth rate will shrink to 4% in 2022, with a maximum decline of 3.6% in 2023.
    For those who pay attention to the recent development of the semiconductor market, this may not be surprising, but the actual income in 2023 will be closer to 2021. Gartner believes that the contraction of the semiconductor market is related to the increase of manufacturing costs. It is estimated that consumer demand will further decline in 2023 due to the decrease of consumer disposable income, the rise of inflation rate and the increase of costs in other places. IT Home learned that Gartner said that the enterprise market has been relatively stable. The decline in semiconductor demand will not be as obvious as that in the consumer market.
    Gartner predicts that the memory market is obviously oversupplied, so the market will decline by 16.2% in 2023, and the NAND flash memory market will decline by 13.7%.


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