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Auto chip gradually moves towards high-end, and new ecology is created through multi-party cooperation

Time:2022-11-25 Views:1474
    "The auto chip industry is facing new supply chain and industrial chain restructuring, which forces the auto and chip industry to re-establish a more resilient supply chain." Li Shaohua believes that the rapid development of new automotive technologies has also broken the original technical barriers. Software, hardware and operating systems determine the core technology level of future automobiles, so automobile chips will go to the high-end.
    En Yunfei pointed out that the vigorous development of China‘s automobile industry cannot be separated from the support of the automobile chip industry chain. Facing opportunities and challenges, he hopes that the upstream and downstream of the industry chain can work together to create a new ecology of the automobile chip industry.
    "The supply chain is the most active main position of automobile technology innovation, and continues to rapidly extend to the new industrial ecology." Fu Bingfeng, executive vice president and secretary-general of China Automobile Association, said at the 2022 China Automobile Forum that under the guidance of the new pattern of "double circulation", China will further develop a safe and controllable supply chain system, making China‘s big market a great opportunity in the world.
Chips will gradually move towards high-end
    Focusing on the present, chips are becoming more and more important for the automotive industry. According to Pan Jiming, the general manager of SAIC Group Planning Department, there are about 1600 models of 11 types of chips for automotive applications, including power chips, main chips, driver chips, sensor chips, communication chips, memory chips, signal chain chips, radio frequency chips, image processing chips, integrated chips and other chips.
    "The auto chip industry is facing new supply chain and industrial chain restructuring, which forces the auto and chip industry to re-establish a more resilient supply chain." Li Shaohua believes that the rapid development of new automotive technologies has also broken the original technical barriers. Software, hardware and operating systems determine the core technology level of future automobiles, so automobile chips will go to the high-end.
    Liang Weiqiang, assistant to the president of GAC Research Institute and director of the Intelligent Networking Technology Research and Development Center, also said that the transmission rate and computing power of the new generation of electronic and electrical architecture have doubled, and higher requirements have been placed on information security, functional security, real-time and other aspects, which put forward new requirements for the performance of core chips, and further promoted the rapid growth of high-performance chips.
    "The future development of China‘s automobile chips is worth looking forward to." Li Shaohua confidently said that China will become the highland and gathering place for the development of automotive chips in the future; It will also create an industrial ecology where car chips and on-board operating systems coexist; The automobile and chip industries will establish a relationship of co creation, sharing and win-win in the future.
    Li Shaohua explained that in the future, the relationship between cars and chips is no longer a simple relationship between supply and demand, parts and vehicles, but a cornerstone of the ecological development of software defined cars. Whether in terms of technology, market, enterprise, or capital influence, chips will inevitably be deeply integrated into the automobile industry, becoming an important link in the future network automobile industry chain.
    In fact, the industrial ecology of domestic automobile chips is gradually taking shape. En Yunfei, the chief engineer of the Fifth Research Institute of Electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the current vehicle enterprises are sinking into the field of chip investment and research and development; Chip enterprises are going up to learn more about vehicle demand; All parties in the industry cooperate to help the construction of the industrial ecosystem.
Multi party cooperation to create a new ecology
     It is worth mentioning that "the ‘lack of core‘ is still the ‘pain point‘ facing the current automobile industry, and all major automobile enterprises have different degrees of volume loss and delivery delay." Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Chang‘an Automobile, said that, taking Chang‘an Automobile as an example, from January to September this year, Chang‘an Automobile had lost 606,000 cars due to the impact of "core shortage". "
    After nearly two years, why are car enterprises still facing "core shortage"? Zhu Huarong believes that, first, key technologies are restricted by people, and domestic enterprises are restricted and affected by lithography machines, design software and other issues; Second, the contradiction between the short-term explosion of chip market demand and the long cycle of chip production increase; Third, structural shortage is becoming the norm, and the automobile industry and chip industry lack direct communication and planning; Fourth, the automobile enterprises and chip enterprises have not built a cooperative relationship of risk sharing.
    En Yunfei pointed out that the vigorous development of China‘s automobile industry cannot be separated from the support of the automobile chip industry chain. Facing opportunities and challenges, he hopes that the upstream and downstream of the industry chain can work together to create a new ecology of the automobile chip industry.
    Zhu Huarong also stressed that the country and the automobile industry, semiconductor industry and enterprises should work together to strengthen top-level design, system deployment, division of work and cooperation, and make rapid breakthroughs.
    Zhu Huarong specifically explained that, at the national level, the national ministries and commissions should take the lead in formulating barrier plans for high-tech fields in the industrial chain such as chips; Policies were introduced to actively promote the localization of core component technologies. At the industry level, accelerate the process of car chip integration and generalization; To jointly promote the transparency of the supply chain, establish a new supply relationship with chip manufacturers and Tier1, and jointly build a good chip supply ecology; Build a direct and direct cooperation mode between chip enterprises and the automobile industry. At the enterprise level, adhere to the principle of "two hands, two hands hard" and strengthen open cooperation with international and domestic chip manufacturers; Strengthen self research and improve supply guarantee capability.
    Going up to the level of raw materials, Guo Shougang, Deputy Director of the First Equipment Industry Division of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that we will actively carry out exchanges and cooperation between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, including vehicles, parts, basic components and key materials. We will strengthen international cooperation in resource development, accelerate the pace of domestic resource exploitation, crack down on speculation, hoarding and other unfair competition behaviors, and take multiple measures to ensure the supply and stable price of key raw materials.


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